[Map] House On A Island

Hey there, this is my 5th or 6th map and basically its a house on an island. This house could be used for a admin/player or even for a gang HQ. You can get to the Island using boat or helicopter.

LOCATION: Just Up From The Los Santos Docks - Images Below: SCROLL THROUGH THE PICTURES!



pawn Код:
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CreateObject(951, 2462.6411132813, -3580.5991210938, 4.4923872947693, 0, 0, 180);

Post download link, if not = WRONG SECTION

Oh wow i completely forgot the objects!

Nice post

I don't get it. Just looks like LS docks to me..?

Thats to show where to move from, look at the rest of the pictures :L

Good but put a teleport!

Where is the map, I don't find

You can copy the objects or do you mean the pictures? Scroll through them!

Originally Posted by cloudysky
Посмотреть сообщение
Thats to show where to move from, look at the rest of the pictures :L
Riiiiiight, didn't realise it was a slideshow..

Nice, 6/10.

nice job man 8/10


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