Keep getting '(retrieving info):7777....'

hey all,

I keep getting the message '(retrieving info):7777....' although I forwarded my ports like it has to be done (TCP port 7777 and UDP port 7777) I checked it with SAMP check from deluxe host and it was able to connect to my server and it also told me the right amount of players on the server, BUT it did tell me also that I'm not listed on the serverlist, which is weird because announce is set to 1.

Does anybody have any idea why this is happening?

delux sais that my server isn't listed in the serverlist, but it is, so don't count on that xD

and are you shure that you have the same version of sa-mp as your server has? (maybe 0.2X)

'(retrieving info):7777....'

that means you have added the ip wrong

there only stands ":7777" this often means in front of the ip is a space

you have to put in the add box: '*.*.*.*:*'
and you have probably putted in the add box: ' *.*.*.*:*' (there is a space between ' and *, then only shows the port ( '(retrieving info):7777....' ))

Fixed now, thank you

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