An Array in gerneral or his defining system?
He's shown you his system so an array would be like
pawn Код:
new List[][] = // This has two paramaters The column as its going to hold strings.
"Column 1",
"Column 2",
"Column 3"
Now were going to prin one of theres colums into a string
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s is viewing %s", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), List[1]); // GetPlayerNameEx a custom function I use - self explanitory List[1] this tells the array which to loook at and notice i've only called one paramater. Thats because I dont want to take a certain character amount from the string or it could turn ouyt like below [/pawn]
List[1][3] - this tells the array its column one, and we only want 3 characters (Col)
an Array with one paramater could be like this elevator I made
pawn Код:
new Float:FloorZ[] =
I've got this code to sahow you code in action in a script now to work out the Z level the elevator has to goto I use the listitem in my dialog.
pawn Код:
MoveObject(ElevatorObjects[0], -318.94, 1564.73, FloorZ[listitem], 5.0);
//This moves the elevator to the co-ords shown the the listem pressed if the listitem is 1 the Z co ords would be 88.6200, [/pawn]
if you would like me to show you differnt ways and things you can do with an array add my Skype as its hard coding in thei sbox I cant see whats above
EDIT: I have time
You could even go as far as a 2 dimional array with 3 bits of info in this cae Co-Ords
new Float:dimentions[2][3] = // we put 3 as we have a row inside the bracket not jsut one answer...
{0.0, 0.0, 0.0},
{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}
We would get all 3 parts like we would in a enum fixed with an array
SetPlayerPos(playerid, dimentions[1][0], dimentions[1][1], dimentions[1][2]);
Now if I were to debug this in a console and print it lets say like this
pawn Код:
Printf("%0.2f", dimentions[1][0]); It would print 0.0 as its calling that first segment inside the brackets.
Originally Posted by Twisted_Insane
pawn Код:
new CheckpointAreaType[1][] = { {CHECKPOINT_CLOTHES}, }; case CheckPointAreaType[0]:
Alright, so we're defining the array "CheckpointAreaType", the '1' means it holds 1 cell, in that case CHECKPOINT_CLOTHES. Now we set easily the cases from takin' out the information of our array.
This doesnt work AS thingy pointed out above. YOu would have to define each type of check point.
Like I have done with my car creator in Surreal Roleplay..
pawn Код:
#define MAX_PLATE_CHARS 20
#define Vehicle_Type_Public 0
#define Vehicle_Type_pOwned 1
#define Vehicle_Type_Faction 2
#define Vehicle_Type_Gang 3
#define Vehicle_Type_Rental 4
#define Vehicle_Type_Dealership 5