How can i stop this happening

Well i have made it so you have to log in but at the bottom where it has "<" ">" and "spawn" where i click spawn it spawns me in the game im just wondering is there any way of making that stop so if i click it nothing happens

Thank You

Please Help Me Please

Just return 0; on OnPlayerRequestSpawn.

You can return 0 under OnPlayerRequestSpawn, I believe. But you can also just remove those "< > Spawn" things by putting the player into spectator mode. However, be aware that upon taking them out of spec mode, OnPlayerSpawn is called.

Use TogglePlayerSpectating to put the player in to spectating mode, then show your login dialog, and when they respond to the dialog simple set TogglePlayerSpectating to 0/false and it will spawn them. You may also want to set their camera position for a 'login screen' - this should be done on a ~150 MS timer (doesn't work straight after TogglePlayerSpectating).

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