30.08.2008, 12:53
Hi all, I see alot of ppl asking about pickups and typing commands while in the radius of the pickup to show a menu to choose from. So stop asking and read, this here is a tutorial to teach you how to:
1) Make a pickup
2) Make it not dissappear up 'pickup'
3) Make a command to bring a menu up while only in the radius of this pickup
4) Make the menu
5) Tie script shards to the menu
First thing...we need to declare all the variables we will use:
Put this at the top of your script (Declarations area)
The place holder *carbuyingzone* will be our pickup, we will use a boolean (true and false/1 and 0) value place holder *hasboughtcar* to tell us whether the car buyer has bought a car or not
The Menu:carlist will be the menu holder.
Under OnGameModeInit put:
The first line tells us that we will be using the already defined previously carbuyingzone variable to hold a pickup. That's self explanitory.
As we already declared the global variable *carlist* we will assign it a menu titled "Car List" which has 2 columns. The next two lines:
Assigns column headers to column 1 (0) and 2 (1) respectively, while AddMenuItem adds a menu item to the menu carlist in a desired column with a title chosen by the author.
In avoiding server crashes, one must always use the IsValidMenu function:
In doing this the client is able to verify that this menu actually does exist.
We will be using this code shard under the OnPlayerCommandText public function:
This code shard also explains the principle of nesting, tieing multiple if else command into each other. If the player types /buy as a command and he/she is not within the radius of the pickup carbuyingzone (which is found by using a PlayerToPoint script shard) then he will recieve a message telling him that he needs to be in the radius of the created pickup. If he IS in the radius, the code goes through another pass of if statements, this time, the script is checking to see if the player has bought a car or not (hasboughtcar variable) and if so then deny access to spawn another.
Pretty much self explanitory. All it is is that when the player selects the respective rows (also called Items) it runs the nested code...One note about rows, Item 1 will be in row 0, Item 2 will be in row 1 and so on. Each one creates the respective vehicles, then toggles PlayerControllable to 1 (so as to allow the player to move after accessing the menu) and hides the menu. After which sets the variable hasboughtcar to 1, so that the player cannot spam cars.
This is a code shard i scratched up on the forums here, put this at the very bottom of your script:
This is the shard that allows the script to calculate the distance a player is from a certian point.
That's it, oh, don't forget to put this under your OnPlayerExitMenu function:
Hope you leaned something from this excersice
Note: This code is from my script that is WIP, feel free to use it anywhere you want :P
1) Make a pickup
2) Make it not dissappear up 'pickup'
3) Make a command to bring a menu up while only in the radius of this pickup
4) Make the menu
5) Tie script shards to the menu
First thing...we need to declare all the variables we will use:
Put this at the top of your script (Declarations area)
pawn Код:
// Declarations
new carbuyingzone; // Car buying "pickup"/zone
new hasboughtcar; // For if the player has bought a car (1) or not (0)
new Menu:carlist;
The Menu:carlist will be the menu holder.
Under OnGameModeInit put:
pawn Код:
carbuyingzone = CreatePickup(1559,23,-1571.9027,87.5118,3.6547); // Created pickup
// Car buying list
carlist = CreateMenu("Car list",2,100,100,100,100); // Menu add for Car list
AddMenuItem(carlist,0,"Bullet"); // Vehicle id: 541
AddMenuItem(carlist,1,"~w~$1 450 000");
AddMenuItem(carlist,0,"NRG"); // Vehicle id: 522
AddMenuItem(carlist,1,"~w~$950 000");
AddMenuItem(carlist,0,"Elegy"); // Vehicle id: 562
AddMenuItem(carlist,1,"~w~$1 300 000");
AddMenuItem(carlist,0,"Jester"); // Vehicle id: 559
AddMenuItem(carlist,1,"~w~$1 200 000");
As we already declared the global variable *carlist* we will assign it a menu titled "Car List" which has 2 columns. The next two lines:
pawn Код:
In avoiding server crashes, one must always use the IsValidMenu function:
pawn Код:
AddMenuItem(carlist,0,"Bullet"); // Vehicle id: 541
AddMenuItem(carlist,1,"~w~$1 450 000");
AddMenuItem(carlist,0,"NRG"); // Vehicle id: 522
AddMenuItem(carlist,1,"~w~$950 000");
AddMenuItem(carlist,0,"Elegy"); // Vehicle id: 562
AddMenuItem(carlist,1,"~w~$1 300 000");
AddMenuItem(carlist,0,"Jester"); // Vehicle id: 559
AddMenuItem(carlist,1,"~w~$1 200 000");
We will be using this code shard under the OnPlayerCommandText public function:
pawn Код:
if(strcmp("/buy", cmdtext, true, 4) == 0)
// Car buying point code shard
if(PlayerToPoint(playerid,5,-1571.9027,87.5118,3.5547)) // Check distance from physical pickup (carbuyingzone)
if(hasboughtcar == 0) // Check if player has already bought a car
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, false);
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You cannot buy two cars, who's going to drive the other one?");
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You need to be at a buy zone");
return 1;
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerSelectedMenuRow(playerid, row)
if(GetPlayerMenu(playerid) == carlist) // If the player's current open menu is carlist
switch(row) // Upon switching rows (seletion)
case 0: // In the case that Bullet is selected
CreateVehicle(541,-1576.8210,92.7691,3.1536,136.8306,-1,-1,9999999999); // Bullet spawn with random colors
HideMenuForPlayer(carlist, playerid);
hasboughtcar = 1;
case 1: // In the case that NRG is selected
CreateVehicle(522,-1576.8210,92.7691,3.1536,136.8306,-1,-1,9999999999); // Nrg spawn with random colors
HideMenuForPlayer(carlist, playerid);
hasboughtcar = 1;
case 2: // In the case that Elegy is selected
CreateVehicle(562,-1576.8210,92.7691,3.1536,136.8306,-1,-1,9999999999); // Elegy spawn with random colors
HideMenuForPlayer(carlist, playerid);
hasboughtcar = 1;
case 3: // In the case that Jester is selected
CreateVehicle(559,-1576.8210,92.7691,3.1536,136.8306,-1,-1,9999999999); // Jester spawn with random colors
HideMenuForPlayer(carlist, playerid);
hasboughtcar = 1;
This is a code shard i scratched up on the forums here, put this at the very bottom of your script:
pawn Код:
// Player to point declaration
stock PlayerToPoint(playerid, Float:radius, Float:px, Float:py, Float:pz) //px, py, pz used to express
if(!IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) return -1; // Checks if player is connected
new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z; // Base x, y, z values
GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z); //
X = floatsub(X, px);
Y = floatsub(Y, py);
Z = floatsub(Z, pz);
if( ( radius > X && X > -radius ) &&
( radius > Y && Y > -radius ) &&
( radius > Z && Z > -radius ) ) return 1;
return 0;
That's it, oh, don't forget to put this under your OnPlayerExitMenu function:
pawn Код:
Note: This code is from my script that is WIP, feel free to use it anywhere you want :P