[GameMode] San Fierro Roleplay

Unique housing system
Unique car dealerships
Gas station mapped
Points for gangs to capture
Gun dealer job mapped north of SF
Unique mask system
Backpack scripted
Briefcase available in the 24/7 stores(/bhide /bopen /bstore)
Fire Department uniquely scripted
(3000 objects, many more)

Almost all the credit goes to my good pal: "Dion"
He scripted almost everything, he told me to release this which im proud to do, he will send me SS's soon.

Download Link:

Download link brought to you by: Mr.878

Note: SS coming soon, getting them photoshoped etc...

Please replace the link...

Can you please Re-Upload in an othere Link ?

Upload on another link...

Link Free?

Does the link not work?

Originally Posted by MarkShade
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Does the link not work?
Yes, it doesn't work. Actually all of your links do not work.

Please, consider to use solidfiles.com

makes an upload mediafire.com...

www.mediafire.com thanks

You want me to signup in that site to get file ?

So this is a website where people have to "Pay" to sign up however it does say 14 days trial, you think people will go for all this trouble to get the GM?

Simply no, if you want to be proud of your work make people happy now mad since the first page.

this is on the FirstLoad website T&C

7. Cancellation

At any time, and without cause, subscription to the Website may be terminated by CCBill EU, the site, or the subscriber upon notification to the other by electronic or conventional mail, by telephone, or by fax. When the member requests the termination, subscription fees are NOT refunded. Subscribers are liable for charges incurred by them until termination of service.

If you request cancellation or request a refund from CCBill EU, your bank, card issuer, or phone company due to unauthorized or fraudulent use, CCBill EU can at its discretion, to prevent further unauthorized use, block your information from use at all CCBill EU Clients' Websites. This will not, however, prevent unauthorized use at non-CCBill EU Clients' Websites, and is not a substitution for your contacting your appropriate channels to prevent further misuse.

If you are taking advantage of a "Free" trial period through a credit card, please be aware of the following: CCBill EU will request and your bank will immediately put a "Reserved Funds" hold on your credit card for the amount of the subscription plan you have selected. If the free trial is cancelled within the timeframe allowed by the Website, it typically takes the banking system 7 to 10 days to remove the credit card hold from these funds. Please understand that CCBill EU has no way to remove this hold. During the trial period and for a minimum of 7 to 10 days after you cancel, these funds are considered out of your bank even though technically they are still there, and you could overdraw or exceed the limits of your account. You are responsible for any charges imposed by your credit card issuing bank for exceeding your account limits or overdrawing your account.

just trying to help people if they are thinking of using the trial...

Please Re upload the server.


looks nice !
Please Upload to a free Downloadhoster!

♥ u

Link will be replaced today

please reupload this mark thanks

New link added and the SS will be coming today too

Very good

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