ID bug

I have a roleplay gamemode but the id are bug for exam: my id is 0 when i want to set someone to be an admin it set my self. what should i do need help.

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Originally Posted by sampmark05
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OMG,you're a medium,you saw in your mind the fact that he uses ssccanf and ZCMD.Teach me master how to meditate and read minds.

Pay me first LOL

LOL !!!

Originally Posted by ******
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Apparently you are a medium too as no one else mentioned ZCMD! sscanf and ZCMD are entirely independent pieces of code with nothing to do with each other!
I feel pwned

Are you guys going to help this guy out? Or make his Thread a Chat Box?

i tell ya what he is simply using a leaked script and i think most of ya notice that cuz only NGRP Leaked script Ver 2 i guess has this proplem and the sscanf is not the problem i had that script listen i will give ya a hint look for a scripter who can deal with getplayername etc so instead of the id i used names simple solution i used it and worked but to tell ya something the id is not just the problem in that leaked script

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