NObody can connect!!!

Hi there,

Yet another problem by XphosKill3r :P

My friends cannot connect to my SAMP server... Yes I have port forwarded 7777 and 7780 (i am using 7780) port forwarded even on my computers Firewall for inbound and outbound rules....

All it says on the console when he tries to connect is "Incoming Connection "xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.x)
or all its says in SAMP for him is "Retrieving Info" and it stays there (We already tried refresh and I already tried a vanilla server)

using .3d client and server

Whats wrong!?

Are you sure you are not giving your local IP? Add the IP to SAMP client given you at .

Try removing password.

Sounds like your software/windows firewall is blocking the incoming connections. Disable them or add exceptions to allow any connections for the samp server.

@Mauzen - How would I do that?

@jochemd - I am positive its my External/Static

@Dead Don- There is no password

@Mevi- ?? this is a server tester? Okay.

So which antivirus/firewall are you using? I might have time to help you at TeamViewer if you want.

using the AVAST free anti virus software - Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit-

Get on team viewer... -sent you a PM

Anybody else

Okay we tried with TeamViewer - Disabled Firewall, Disabled ANtivirus and even ran as an Admin.. He looked at my config, and after all that... STILL NO LUCK! Its like the server wont even connect to the internet.

Originally Posted by XphosKill3r
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Okay we tried with TeamViewer - Disabled Firewall, Disabled ANtivirus and even ran as an Admin.. He looked at my config, and after all that... STILL NO LUCK! Its like the server wont even connect to the internet.
It does connect to the internet, but can't connect to YSI servers and shows "Incoming connection". Just a small addition :P

I just updated to the latest version but still says verison 1.0.4 or somehting

it wont connect because you havent port foward it and if not that then update gamemode

Whats the IP of the game server going to try to test the connection

I port forwarded it alright... Gz do you guys not read page 1 lol... and the IP is

check your ip again at you have residential internet every time you restart your modem more then likely your ip is going to change.

thats not ip retreveing info =\

IP is the same - Did I mention ITS A STATIC IP ADDRESS! lol.

Originally Posted by XphosKill3r
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IP is the same - Did I mention ITS A STATIC IP ADDRESS! lol.
right but i dont see y there cant be a connection with ur server here is some list of what i suggest you check

1.check if portfoward
2.check if gamemode is updated
3.check if firewall is alowing connection!
4.check if you'r ip is same as you portfoward

if none of these works then sorry cant help!

btw, Im using my own gamemode I built off of Monster. Would you like the .pwn so you can update it?

And everything else is correct.

This is the log.

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3d-R2, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team

[17:14:55] Server Plugins
[17:14:55] --------------
[17:14:55]  Loading plugin: audio

*** Audio Plugin v0.4 by Incognito loaded ***

[17:14:55]   Loaded.
[17:14:55]  Loading plugin: sscanf

[17:14:55]  ===============================

[17:14:55]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[17:14:55]    © 2009 Alex "Y_Less" Cole

[17:14:55]  ===============================

[17:14:55]   Loaded.
[17:14:55]  Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 by Incognito loaded ***

[17:14:55]   Loaded.
[17:14:55]  Loaded 3 plugins.

[17:14:55] Filterscripts
[17:14:55] ---------------
[17:14:55]   Loading filterscript 'baseaf.amx'...
--Base FS loaded.

[17:14:55]   Loading filterscript 'gl_actions.amx'...
[17:14:55]   Loading filterscript 'gl_property.amx'...
[17:14:55] Grand Larceny Property Filterscript		
[17:14:55] -----------------------------------

[17:14:55]   Loading filterscript 'gl_realtime.amx'...
[17:14:55]   Loading filterscript 'gl_mapicon.amx'...
[17:14:55]   Loading filterscript 'admin.amx'...
[17:14:55] Admin System BY Joe Thom has loaded!
[17:14:55]   Loading filterscript 'ls_elevator.amx'...
[17:14:55]   Loading filterscript 'radio.amx'...
[17:14:55]   Loading filterscript 'actions.amx'...
[17:14:55]   Loading filterscript 'base.amx'...
--Base FS loaded.

[17:14:55]   Loading filterscript 'Car_Spawner.amx'...
[17:14:55]   Loading filterscript 'Carspawner.amx'...
[17:14:55] Police Car spawner by XphosKill3r
[17:14:55] --------------------------------------

[17:14:55]   Loading filterscript 'npc_record.amx'...
[17:14:55]   Loaded 13 filterscripts.

[17:14:55] Reading File: blank
[17:14:55] Reading File: properties/houses.txt
[17:14:55] Reading File: properties/businesses.txt
[17:14:55] Reading File: properties/banks.txt
[17:14:55] Reading File: properties/police.txt
[17:14:55]   CopsAndStuff by XphosKill3r (2012)

[17:14:55] ----------------------------------

[17:14:55] Number of vehicle models: 7

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