[Plugin] [BETA] SA:MP Sockets Plugin

I get this error:

Failed (plugins/sockets.so: undefined symbol: sock)

When running the plugin on Linux. I tried both compiling it myself on Linux and using the one I downloaded.

Is this still being worked on? As far as I can see, it appears that none of the native callbacks ever get called.
For example:
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
    socket_connect("mail.venturas-cnr.com", 25);
    // Other stuff
    return 1;
It definitely DOES connect, but it does not call OnSocketConnect.

I have attached a pic of some packet snipping I did. Don't know if it will be of any use, but as you can see the socket successfully connects and automatically starts TLS negotiation (which was initiated by the web server). Packets 23 are 38 is the socket_connect function, packets 143 - 149 are (so I assume) socket_send("quit\r\n");.

Pic: http://i52.tinypic.com/2nlftk.png

EDIT: I got it to work I'm so happy right now. Though it is a real pain in the ass that the callbacks don't work


wow again a very nice plugin

i have a new idea strickenkid, what ive u would add a handle to support more than one socket

//edit: found a bug:
[17:24:01] [Socket] Successfully connected to:
[17:24:01] [Socket] Error: Failed to bind socket to local address and port. Error id: 10048

first it prints that the server connected but than it prints that error.
this came when i tried to connect with to servers to one socketserver

the plugin receive sokects from visual basic?

im lost for my bad english is basic :S

Bug StrickenKid in your Plugin
show here

is for the connection localhost?

Originally Posted by Vince
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Is this still being worked on? As far as I can see, it appears that none of the native callbacks ever get called.
For example:
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
    socket_connect("mail.venturas-cnr.com", 25);
    // Other stuff
    return 1;
It definitely DOES connect, but it does not call OnSocketConnect.

I have attached a pic of some packet snipping I did. Don't know if it will be of any use, but as you can see the socket successfully connects and automatically starts TLS negotiation (which was initiated by the web server). Packets 23 are 38 is the socket_connect function, packets 143 - 149 are (so I assume) socket_send("quit\r\n");.

Pic: http://i52.tinypic.com/2nlftk.png

EDIT: I got it to work I'm so happy right now. Though it is a real pain in the ass that the callbacks don't work

Offtopic: Thats dead sexy

I am trying to get this to work with the PHP sockets.
Doesn't like to work.

I am sending information after establishing a connection, if it isn't a host, it isn't able to use the send callback to respond on it.

On both php and sa mp server the settings are as it should be: up and running.


please, somebody tell me exactly what is the issue with this plugin

The data string in OnSocketReceive doesn't seem to be unset properly:

First, I sent the text: "This is a test" in which a
returned "This is a test" as expected.

Then, I sent the text: "lmao" and the same printf returned: "lmao is a test"

This is a good idea but this issue makes the plugin completely unusable.

//Using the windows .dll downloaded from the original post.


C:\programmieren\Sockets\bin>nc localhost 7777 -vvvv
DNS fwd/rev mismatch: intel != localhost
intel [] 7777 (?) open
sent string one.
YOUSENTTHIS sent string one.
█Ъ┤sent string two.
YOUSENTTHIS sent string two.
ring two.
█Ъ┤what is this ?
YOUSENTTHIS what is this ?
t is this ?

Anyway IDK why is it doing this, the queue is popped properly after the callback is raised ( the queue .pop() member method gets called, I tried to fix it but couldn't).

is it possible to get players position's and names from another server?

Sure, it is.

Of course. You dont even need a plugin for the names.
For the positions you need a plugin on both servers.

Would this be the same as fpsockopen and fpget?

Great plugin. I was seaching similiar to this, thanks

someone could compile the plugin on linux and it works?

Anyone can reupload this plugins? Please.

EDIT: Found it, enjoy:

Someone can fix the bug with the message:

"Failed (plugins/sockets.so: undefined symbol: sock)" on linux systems?

Same Problem here

Any Fixes?

Hey hallo

I cant start my server with this Plugin... It says: "Failed (plugins/sockets.so: undefined symbol: sock)"

Its a Linux Debian Server 64 bit with 32 Bit Librarys

Somebody help?

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