24.03.2012, 11:03
help me for i want add gun in my gammode ammunicaton but i am new/noob scripter i edit but not work i need ur help
i want removed molotov and add snowf gun and ak47 and comback shot gun
text38 = TextDrawCreate(7.000000, 136.000000, "~n~~r~1.~w~Buy Weapons~n~~r~2.~w~Rob Ammunation"); text39 = TextDrawCreate(7.000000, 136.000000, "~n~~r~1.~w~Deagle~n~~r~2.~w~Tec9~n~~r~3.~w~Mp5~n~~r~4.~w~M4~n~~r~5.~w~Sniper Rifle~n~~r~6.~w~Molotov~n~~n~~w~Use ~r~LMB ~w~ to hide thes~n~~w~boxes");
i want removed molotov and add snowf gun and ak47 and comback shot gun