long GM

i have a very long Gamemode. can anybody give me tips to reduce the size and make it more beautiful for reading

thnxx 4 de helpp!!

pls anyone??

one tip if your code is something like this

pawn Код:
if(TestVariable[playerid][Testing] == 1)
just do

pawn Код:
if(TestVariable[playerid][Testing] == 1) {
      if(IsPlayerConnected(playerd)) {
} else {
this will make your long codes shorter. it defends if you add many efforts in your code

To be honest, length isn't a problem.
Spacing out your work makes it not only easier to read, but easier also to maintain.
Locating problems in a switch such as this:

pawn Код:
    case 1:

    case 2:

    case 3:
is much easier than trying to locate the same problem in this:

pawn Код:
switch(MyVar) { case 1: { /*Action*/ } case 2: { /*Action*/ } case 3: { /*Action*/ } }
Also, by spreading out your code, you allow yourself the opportunity to add comments at each stage of your script. This may seem like nothing, but a few months down the track, it's almost essential to consistent scripting (knowing what you meant by various chunks of code and what you were trying to achieve)

to make it easier for reading, you can use an editor capable of "code collapsing":

not bad: 6000 lines's code in about 30 lines, easy to open some certain callbacks for editing hehe

The best thing is use the link on my signature, formatted gamemode.

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