Weird computer error


On my birthday 5 march I got a new grapich card for present..
It workt pretty well. But some day I got problem I didn't got any picture...
So I lookt if the grapich card whas fitted right etc.. Then I re-placed it.. And it workt again..

But now (Yeasterday) When I playd sa-mp the screen just got black :/ And I restarted the
computer but still same problem... I aslo tryd to re-placed the grapich card, but didn't helpt..
And I aslo tryd with another grapich card didn't help aslo... And then I tryd with another screen
aslo didn't help...

Btw: I have a new PSU aslo... I got 6 march or something..

So what could be wrong?? Thanks alot for reply.. I hope thats not the pcie port that's broken -.-...

Sounds like your graphics card has burned out. Try cleaning the pins and then placing it in the computer as that usually helps.

Originally Posted by sniperwars
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Sounds like your graphics card has burned out. Try cleaning the pins and then placing it in the computer as that usually helps.
Nah?.. I tryd with another grapich card aslo... Thanks for reply anyway! ..

Probably your motherboard is damaged, you don't have enough powerful PSU or you have old drivers.

If everything is working besides San Andreas do this:

Go to your GTA San Andreas User Files folder and delete "gta_sa.set". And then try to play again, what this will do is delete your old settings because maybe it just needs to start off on clean settings for it to work.

Steven82: I coulden't delete when I can't see something xD... Its not
a ingame problem it's every where...

Jese: No the grapich card requires 400W and I have a 400W.... So it's maybe the
motherboard thats broken then :S... Or just PSU but it coulden't be broken now because
its almost brand new...

The GPU is taking up all the PSU power. If the card requires 400w, go to at least a 500 as other components of the computer are using the PSU.

Okay thanks but ain't all parts counted in 400W?? When grapich card needs that??...

Edit: Now I have 400W But it said 450W is needed... So maybe could be the problem :/....
It's just 50W to little idk if it's good or not...

Any reply??..

Sorry for bumb :/..

Originally Posted by davve95
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Steven82: I coulden't delete when I can't see something xD... Its not
a ingame problem it's every where..
That's why i posted, "If it's just San Andreas". I didn't understand if you meant just the game or the whole computer.

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