13.03.2012, 20:15
Some more news:
- Added a better shift light for Manual Transmissions
- Added 3 new food service jobs (Cluckin Bell/Burger Shot)
- Added 50% Profit Margins to the fuel sales. (IE: Gas is $2 a gallon. It costs $1 to import while the other $1 is profit and goes to the Treasury(Economy System))
- Added RP Chat commands (/o for Global OOC, /me for actions, 't' for normal IC chat)
- Added a Pay Stub screen detailing your Income, Federal Tax Deducted, and Payment Type(Cash/Deposit)
- Added breifcase pickups and truck(work) icons to where you are suppose to report to your job.
- Re-added the Welcome Textdraw "Stance Nation"
- Gas prices and tax rates are stored in the economy file. Will later be editable by leader/senior admin.