Why this function doesnt work

I got this function and at the keystatechange there is a print to see if it actually works. It does. But in this function its also and it doesnt respond Worked... :\ this is the code:
pawn Код:
// This function gets called when a police player presses the FIRE key (to fine nearby wanted players) when he's on foot
    // Setup local variables
    new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;

    // Scan through all players
    for (new PlayerToCheck; PlayerToCheck < MAX_PLAYERS; PlayerToCheck++)
        // check if this player is connected
        if (IsPlayerConnected(PlayerToCheck))
            // Check if the other player isn't the same police player
            if (PlayerToCheck == playerid)
                // Check if the current player is wanted and the wanted player is driving slowly (below 30 kph)
                if ((GetPlayerWantedLevel(PlayerToCheck) > 0) && (APlayerData[PlayerToCheck][PlayerSpeed] < 30))
                    // Get the position of this player
                    GetPlayerPos(PlayerToCheck, x, y, z);

                    // Check if the police-player is in range of the player (police player and wanted player must be within 10 meters of eachother)
                    if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 10.0, x, y, z))
                        // Fine the player
                        Police_PayFine(playerid, PlayerToCheck);
                        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Worked..");
                        // Exit the function
                        return 1;

                    // Check if the police-player is in range of the player (he can be inside his vehicle or on foot)
                    if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 50.0, x, y, z))
                        GameTextForPlayer(PlayerToCheck, "~r~This is the police! Stop at once!~w~", 3000, 4); // Warn the player
                        // Also start a timer which gives the player a chance to stop and get a fine
                        // If he doesn't stop, the player will be sent to jail when he gets fined
                        if (APlayerData[PlayerToCheck][PoliceWarnedMe] == false)
                            APlayerData[PlayerToCheck][PoliceWarnedMe] = true;
                            APlayerData[PlayerToCheck][Value_PoliceCanJailMe] = DefaultWarnTimeBeforeJail;
                            APlayerData[PlayerToCheck][Timer_PoliceCanJailMe] = SetTimerEx("Timer_PoliceCanJailPlayer", 5000, true, "i", PlayerToCheck);

    return 1;
Thanks if you can see the problem

First problem:
pawn Код:
if (PlayerToCheck == playerid)

//should be
if (PlayerToCheck != playerid)

I know but i was alone on server so i wanted to try it on myself

Bump please people help me

I'm not sure if the below code would actually work, but I have never made an if like this in my entire life.

if ((GetPlayerWantedLevel(PlayerToCheck) > 0) && (APlayerData[PlayerToCheck][PlayerSpeed] < 30))
should be

if (GetPlayerWantedLevel(PlayerToCheck) > 0 && APlayerData[PlayerToCheck][PlayerSpeed] < 30)

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