Some server protection tips for a new guy?

Hello. I've just finished scripting a SA:MP Roleplay server and I'm planning to put it up on a host later today.

I've received a number of threats from a bunch of people, that they would take down the server n' stuff like that. I took every protection measure I knew of (Installed SafeCon for my RCON pass, the host provides Anti-Flood protection and 'masked' some of my important commands). I wish to ask what else should I install to have a secure server and if there is any other protection measure I can take.

I would also like if any of you were kind enough to require direct assistance in case of need from an experienced SA:MP server owner.

Thank you,

Use max ip plugin?

Could you please give me more info for it (What's it good at and stuff) and possibly leave a link of their page(?)?


keeps bots away..

Could you provide a link for it please? I looked around but found nothing.

It's included in the 0.3d Windows server package. Download it from here and look for "maxips.pwn" in the filterscripts folder

I already had that package. Thanks for the help, I should include it in my server.cfg. If there's any other tips or precautions I should take, please tell me.

Get an anti-cheat..junkbuster ?

I already have an anti-cheat system. It has the basic stuff, anti-wep hack and stuff like that .. but hopefully it'll hold o.O

Ban any bots, make sure you're aware of every single little detail. Have a good RCON pass, and if you can try and get DDOS protection.

Other than that, you should be fine, people just go on other servers to scare them and make open threats, most of the time nothing will happen, they're all talk.

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