I made a command, compiled fine, but IG it doesn't work

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
{//opening bracket
    if (strcmp("/open", cmdtext, true, 5) == 0) // The /open command
    {//opening bracket
        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 7.0, 1812.3604,-1883.7068,13.5781))//Checking if the player in the range of the gate
           {//opening bracket
        MoveObject(rentalgate, 1811.69995117,-1893.80004883,12.39999962, 1);// Opening the gate
                SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xEF994300, "The gate has opened."); //Sending a message that gate opened
        }//closing bracket
        return 1;
    }//closing bracket
        if (strcmp("/close", cmdtext, true, 6) == 0)// The /close command
    {//opening bracket
        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 7.0, 1812.3604,-1883.7068,13.5781))//Checking if the player in the range of the gate
        {//opening bracket
                  MoveObject(rentalgate, 1811.69995117,-1888.30004883,12.39999962, 1);// Moving the gate
              SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xEF994300, "The gate has closed.");//Sending a message to the one used the command
                }//closing bracket
        return 1;
    }//closing bracket
    return 0;
}//closing bracket

GM compiles fine , but IG when i type that cmd it says Unknown command

try to delete return 1; and compile when not delete return 0; and try it then

Still .. doesn't work

try this 1811.69995117,-1888.30004883,12.39999962, 1 <<<< 1.0

So its

MoveObject(rentalgate, 1811.69995117,-1888.30004883,12.39999962, 1.0);

(change it by all MoveObejct)

Still, it compiles without errors ,IG it says SERVER: Unknown command

P.S I Also have some ZCMD commands,

Is that your whole OnPlayerCommandText?

Is that an FS? If so, make sure it loads correctly.

ZCMD isn't compatible with OnPlayerCommandText, convert the command to ZCMD

No wait.
ZCMD is case sensitive. Make sure you have no cmds having capitals

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