login command

how i make when gamemaster and admin when login(type his password) after that he must type admin and gamemaster password ?? how i make that ?

Originally Posted by Dw.UsHer
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how i make when gamemaster and admin when login(type his password) after that he must type admin and gamemaster password ?? how i make that ?
Lol why not just do it in 1 login/reg system ?

If an admin logs in the server and types his password, he must be logged in as a NORMAL player aswell as an ADMIn, if you know what I mean, try to explain better please..


Well, once a person logs in you have to check if the user is an administrator or not. That can be done in multiple ways. However, once noticing that the connecting user is an administrator you send him a dialog where he has to log in or freeze him until he logs in via a command. This can be done is several ways.

Originally Posted by ue_falconx
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Lol why not just do it in 1 login/reg system ?

If an admin logs in the server and types his password, he must be logged in as a NORMAL player aswell as an ADMIn, if you know what I mean, try to explain better please..

Sometimes it might be a quite usefull idea two have two different passwords for the user login and the admin login. Means if the account gets in wrong hands nothing exept an account will be messed up.

I love when an admin and gamemaster when you log normal after to show another dialog for another admin and gamemaster password that will be all the administrative and gamemasteri same!

Originally Posted by Dw.UsHer
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I love when an admin and gamemaster when you log normal after to show another dialog for another admin and gamemaster password that will be all the administrative and gamemasteri same!
Well, then simply realise what we've already posted. Check if the user logging in is an administrator and then display a dialog in which he'll have to enter the password. Once he enters the right password he'll be authorized to use administrative commands.

can you help me or no ? i want a cmd please i need it :@@

Originally Posted by Dw.UsHer
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can you help me or no ? i want a cmd please i need it :@@
Do you already have any login system or do you need a whole new login system with the additional administrative login?

i no have login system

i need new login system with additional administrative login

Originally Posted by Dw.UsHer
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i need new login system with additional administrative login
There are so many tutorials for login/register systems around the web, one using Y_ini is this one: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=273088

Simply try to realise a login/register system without any administrative things at first and once it works dedicate to the administrative login by adding new dialogs etc. Try to learn the basics meanwhile. Like that it shouldn't be hard for you anymore to realise your plans and whenever you got questions simply ask in this thread.

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