Help with a hack / hacker

Hey forums,

I have a issue that I am trying to resolve. There is a particular hack that allows a player to teleport all nearby vehicles to his position. So what the player does it get in a helicopter, fly up high, then teleport all the cars on top of a major location. This causes the area to lag heavily and players to crash. It's also very hard to catch the players who are doing this.

Does anyone have a fix to this or some suggestions? Thanks. This is really affecting the players and getting them annoyed. I don't want this to be discouraging new players.

Thanks for the help.

Saw this on a few servers and had this on my server. I will try to find what i did because i can't remember. But the fact of the matter is that it's super annoying, especially the lag.

Make a respawn vehicle position command and just respawn them all. Far as it goes towards the hacker you can only ban him about it. Can't really prevent it unfortunately.

Get junk-buster ?

Originally Posted by Jake187
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Make a respawn vehicle position command and just respawn them all. Far as it goes towards the hacker you can only ban him about it. Can't really prevent it unfortunately.
That still wont really stop the lag. Once the person does it, shit starts to lag and it will take like 1 minute for the cmd to go through.

Originally Posted by Saurik
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That still wont really stop the lag. Once the person does it, shit starts to lag and it will take like 1 minute for the cmd to go through.
Depends really. You need to remember with the SAMP's distance, the hacker can only teleport vehicles in the distance. I've had about 75 vehicles in one place at once and I was still able to respawn them all withing one command.

Make something like:

pawn Код:
cmd:gethackerpos(playerid, params[])
    new hacker;
    if(sscanf(params, "u", hacker))
        new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, carid;
        GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
        carid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
        if((z > 50/*<---Change this*/) && carid == /*Helicopterid*/)
            new string[126];
            format(string, sizeof(string), "Possible hacker: %s", GetPlayerName(hacker));
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR, string);
    return 1;
Obviously needs lots of editing, but yeah, you can also make a new variable for the player, so when they enter a helicopter, or plane, they get it set, and you can type something like /airplayers and it would give you a list of any player with that variable set to 1, when they exit set it to 0.

I Know That Hacker Well , His Getting In All The Server And Messing it up , Well...His Using a Private ******

It's not a helicopter.

From what someone once told me, I understood: a hacker is in a CAR on the ground, then quickly teleports to another car within his streaming range. He then sets the Z coordinate very high and teleports back to his own vehicle - the other vehicle falls down. He does that so fast you cannot see who did it, nor will you be able to see the hacker left his vehicle.

The way to catch him is: exit any vehicle, walk to the area and try to find someone who's in a car not being thrown in the air, seemingly doing nothing (or slowly driving forward).

But I admit, it's hard to catch them.

Preventing this would require a small script inside your code.
Possible ways to do this:
lolumadd_ the way your explaining it is that they go into a helicopter and spawn vehicles all at once.
A way to avoid this could be:
Create an X, Y, Z Variable for every Vehicle ingame like so:
pawn Код:
new float:VX[MAX_VEHICLES];
new float:VY[MAX_VEHICLES];
new float:VZ[MAX_VEHICLES];
Then you would need to OnPlayerExitVehicle
pawn Код:
new float:X, float:Y, float:Z;
GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, X, Y, Z);
VX[vehicleid] = X;
VX[vehicleid] = Y;
VX[vehicleid] = Z;
Then you would need to create a timer that checks all the Vehicles.
Checks whether theres a player in a vehicle and if not, checks the vehicles position and if its not what the vehicles positions been set to, then it would set the vehicles position to its set coordinates.
Preventing Mass Vehicle spawning/teleporting
[Fix for [MM]IKKE Idea of how it works]
Create VARS for a player which is Set to 1 when they enter a vehicle.
A Timer is created for say atleast 1 Second. If the player gets out of the vehicle when the timer is running,
Send a warning message to admins saying possible Vehicle Hacker.
( This could be a bad way to detect it )
[Another Fix]
3. Using a Plugin called MapAndreas, you could find the Z coordinates in the location of where solid ground is and if a car is more than +10 of the Z Coordinates then Send a message to an Administrator alerting possible airbreak or vehicle hack. Though Exceptions would apply for Aircraft.

Its just a few ways that could help.
But its not impossible to detect them

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