29.02.2012, 23:25
Okay so I used to map editor added a few things, got the .pwn now where do I put the pwn? for the edited map
public OnGameModeInit()
CreateObject(14576, -482.16369628906, -198.66093444824, 980.00079345703, 0, 0, 0.75);
CreateObject(2946, -466.86309814453, -198.2001953125, 984.35827636719, 0, 0, 357.31604003906);
CreateObject(2946, -466.7080078125, -195.02656555176, 984.36566162109, 0, 0, 177.65991210938);
CreateObject(1491, -479.08612060547, -213.3388671875, 986.75866699219, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(13007, -475.021484375, -203.4521484375, 986.16741943359, 0, 0, 267.73681640625);
CreateObject(14577, -421.435546875, -217.5068359375, 985.12335205078, 0, 0, 180.00549316406);
CreateObject(3089, -478.60537719727, -213.35453796387, 981.51635742188, 0, 0, 0.75);
CreateObject(3089, -476.23828125, -214.39562988281, 981.53961181641, 0, 0, 26.25);
CreateObject(3089, -457.58416748047, -198.49922180176, 979.54022216797, 0, 0, 342.47839355469);
CreateObject(3089, -465.66537475586, -214.6498260498, 979.54180908203, 0, 0, 27.75);
CreateObject(2262, -453.39953613281, -211.38711547852, 980.78424072266, 0, 0, 272.05102539063);
CreateObject(2261, -463.9052734375, -221.849609375, 980.90454101563, 0, 0, 179.60961914063);
CreateObject(16378, -454.80169677734, -211.66088867188, 978.96862792969, 0, 0, 89.846801757813);
CreateObject(9362, -463.28314208984, -220.99801635742, 978.958984375, 0, 0, 180.50543212891);
return 1;
Try without the objects, then compile, no errors? check what you're trying to copy and paste.. make sure you only copy the CreateObject lines, like Walsh said, and paste them under OnGameModeInit, compile.. errors? post them here, with the piece of code included.