Thief job

Hy i want to make thief job but i dont cnow how to make that i start mision and spawn car in chekpoint.
Example i tipe /work and get random lokation(go steal sentinel in werdant meadows) and sentinel spawn at that location and then im there i need just get in and drive to unlody and in that location my car disapear

This is kind of a request which should go in the request section.

hmm i think if i request script then i shud request whole script not 1% of it

Well if someone makes that for you, it can give you an idea how to do those things further and advance it...

ok i make that i steal car that is already placed but how to destroy it but only thief car
public OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint(playerid,TEAM_THIEF)
DestroyVehicle(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid)));
return 1;

Originally Posted by livests
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ok i make that i steal car that is already placed but how to destroy it but only thief car
public OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint(playerid,TEAM_THIEF)
DestroyVehicle(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid)));
return 1;
You wouldn't use
pawn Код:
because that is to determine, well the model id! You should use
pawn Код:
because you want to get the car that the player is in.
So it should be like this.
pawn Код:

but if i work as trucker and drive in ckepoint my car destroys?

Add another if statement to check if the player is a Thief.

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