[GameMode] EOG:RPG v0.1 [0.3D] - RolePlay Server

Drepturi de autor:

||******||Baily - Scripter
||******||Baily - Tester & Mapper & Cateva Idei
||******||DjShadow - Tester & Cateva Idei


Salut , am lucrat ceva la acest gamemode , dar il voi posta aici pentru cei care chiar au nevoie de un gamemode bun , eu nu il mai folosesc pt ca am altul...
GameMode-ul este scriptat in limba engleza , si are cateva chestii interesante.

Cateva detalii & lista cu factiuni:

-Puteti avea si moto si masina personala , comenzile pentru ajutor sunt /motohelp si /carhelp.
-Factiunile sunt 16 la numar , le voi preciza mai jos.
-La inregistrare puteti selecta 2 limbi , Engleza si Romana , tutorialul este si el in Engleza si Romana , depinde ce selectati.
-In versiunea v0.2 voi face si /takezone la mafii , momentan scrieti /aliante pentru a vedea aliantele care vor fi.
-Comanda /stats are 2 moduri , normal sau dialog.
-Comanda /ah este /adminhelp si trebuie sa dati /adminhelp rankadmin , ex: /adminhelp 1 , daca ai admin 1 , /adminhelp 7 daca ai admin 7 si tot asa.
-Factiunile nu pot spune ca sunt idei proprii , dar le-am pus unde am crezut eu ca e mai bine.
-La masinile/moto personale dupa ce bubuie trebuie sa platiti asigurarea , mentionez ca sistemul de masini pers si moto pers este copiat dupa B-Zo** , nu este idee proprie.
-La inchirierea masinilor/motocicletelor am pus dialog.
-La cumpararea masinilor/motocicletelor pers am pus dialog.
-Comanda /ad este in 2 locuri , LS si LV , trebuie sa va duceti la cnn ls sau cnn lv si sa scrieti /adls respectiv /adlv.
-Masinile personale sunt situate in LV , langa piramida este o parcare , acolo sunt puse toate la ultimul etaj.
-In GameMode sunt peste 80 masini civil.
-Mafiile au si HQ , unde va spawneaza trebuie sa apasati tasta enter si o sa intrati in HQ , nu am mai stat sa pun text acolo la usa , dar voi pune in v2.0.
-Un ceas si data dragute , parerea mea.
-La ATM trebuie sa va creeati card cu PIN ca sa puteti accesa contul , daca uitati pinul contul nu mai poate fii accesat , aveti grija ce cifre puneti [Masura de siguranta a banilor de pe cont , daca contul va este spart si nu va stie pinul la cardul de pe cont , nu are cum sa transfere banii la el pe cont].
-Sistem de pornire/oprire a motorului prin comanda: /engine.
-Dupa 60 min de stat AFK fara /sleep in casa luati kick.
-Multe alte chestii care le veti vedea in joc.

Lista cu Factiunile:

1.Police Departament
3.National Guard
5.Mafia Albaneza
6.Mafia Tiganeasca
8.Hitman Agency
9.Stirile EOG.RO
10.Taxi Cab Co
11.School Instructor
12.Mafia Spaniola
13.Mafia Germana
14.Mafia Romaneasca
15.Mafia Rusa
16.Remorcari Auto


Hello, I did some work in this gamemode, but I will post here for those who really need a good gamemode, I do not use it because I am another ...
GameMode site is scripted in English, and has some interesting stuff.

Some details & list of factions:

-You also have motorcycle and car, support orders are / motohelp and / carhelp.
-Factions are 16 in number, I will indicate below.
-When recording you can select 2 languages, English and Romanian, the tutorial is also in English and Romanian, depending on what you select.
-In version v0.2 will make and / takezone the Mafia, currently writing / alliances to see alliances that will be.
-Order / stats has two modes, normal or dialogue.
-Order / ah is / adminhelp and must give / adminhelp rankadmin, eg / adminhelp 1, if one of admin, / admin if you adminhelp July 7 and so on.
-Factions can not say that is their ideas, but put them where I thought it's better.
-The cars / moto personal after boom have to pay insurance, mention that person and motor car system is copied from person B-Zo **, not his own idea.
-When renting cars / motorcycles have put dialogue.
-When buying car / motorcycle person I put dialogue.
-Order / ad is in two places, LS and LV, must go to CNN or CNN lv ls and write / ADLs that / adlv.
-Personal machines are located in LV, is a parking lot near the pyramid, there are all put on the top floor.
-In GameMode are over 80 civilian cars.
HQ-mafia was and where will spawneaza must press enter and get in HQ, I stayed there to put text on the door, but I put in v2.0.
-A nice clock and date, in my opinion.
-The need to create your ATM card PIN so you can access your account, if you forget the pin can not be accessed account, make sure the figures put [safety measures on their money, if your account is hacked and not know pin the card on the account, there is no way to transfer money to his account].
-System start / stop engine command: / engine.
After 60 min of State-AFK without / sleep in the house taking kick.
-Many other things you'll see in game.

List of Factions:

1.Police Departament
3.National Guard
5.Mafia Albaneza
6.Mafia Tiganeasca
8.Hitman Agency
9.Stirile EOG.RO
10.Taxi Cab Co
11.School Instructor
12.Mafia Spaniola
13.Mafia Germana
14.Mafia Romaneasca
15.Mafia Rusa
16.Remorcari Auto

Romanian Names


Scripting Time/Timp De Lucru: 3-4 Saptamani/Weeks - Am liceu , prietena , parinti , treaba ...nu stau numai la pc...

|||======|||Daca doriti si alte versiuni pastrati CopyRight , daca nu pastrati CopyRight nu voi mai posta alte versiuni.|||======|||

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ENGLISH VERSION / Versiunea doar in engleza [Only PWN and AMX / Doar PWN si AMX]:



Wrong place ...

Originally Posted by ServerScripter
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Wrong place ...
Wrong place :O? No , what world do you live?

How can i disable for language choosing? i want to set just english

Try to colpine and get errors

C:\Users\Andris\Desktop\EOG-RPG [0.3d] By Baily\gamemodes\EOG-RPG.pwn(2809) : error 017: undefined symbol "IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed"
C:\Users\Andris\Desktop\EOG-RPG [0.3d] By Baily\gamemodes\EOG-RPG.pwn(2809) : error 017: undefined symbol "RemovePlayerAttachedObject"
C:\Users\Andris\Desktop\EOG-RPG [0.3d] By Baily\gamemodes\EOG-RPG.pwn(2810) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPlayerAttachedObject"
C:\Users\Andris\Desktop\EOG-RPG [0.3d] By Baily\gamemodes\EOG-RPG.pwn(2807) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "playerid"
C:\Users\Andris\Desktop\EOG-RPG [0.3d] By Baily\gamemodes\EOG-RPG.pwn(2807 -- 2815) : error 017: undefined symbol "IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed"
C:\Users\Andris\Desktop\EOG-RPG [0.3d] By Baily\gamemodes\EOG-RPG.pwn(2815) : error 017: undefined symbol "RemovePlayerAttachedObject"
C:\Users\Andris\Desktop\EOG-RPG [0.3d] By Baily\gamemodes\EOG-RPG.pwn(2815) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

6 Errors.


Originally Posted by Kuusa
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How can i disable for language choosing? i want to set just english
EDITED: Sorry for my post , that english.. ooh...

Originally Posted by Baily
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I said clearly...
HOW CAN I DISABLE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN LANGUAGES! NO Romanian And English, but just english

and this.

C:\Users\Andris\Desktop\EOG-RPG [0.3d] By Baily\gamemodes\EOG-RPG.pwn(2809) : error 017: undefined symbol "IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed"
C:\Users\Andris\Desktop\EOG-RPG [0.3d] By Baily\gamemodes\EOG-RPG.pwn(2809) : error 017: undefined symbol "RemovePlayerAttachedObject"
C:\Users\Andris\Desktop\EOG-RPG [0.3d] By Baily\gamemodes\EOG-RPG.pwn(2810) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPlayerAttachedObject"
C:\Users\Andris\Desktop\EOG-RPG [0.3d] By Baily\gamemodes\EOG-RPG.pwn(2807) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "playerid"
C:\Users\Andris\Desktop\EOG-RPG [0.3d] By Baily\gamemodes\EOG-RPG.pwn(2807 -- 2815) : error 017: undefined symbol "IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed"
C:\Users\Andris\Desktop\EOG-RPG [0.3d] By Baily\gamemodes\EOG-RPG.pwn(2815) : error 017: undefined symbol "RemovePlayerAttachedObject"
C:\Users\Andris\Desktop\EOG-RPG [0.3d] By Baily\gamemodes\EOG-RPG.pwn(2815) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

6 Errors.


Here its ENGLISH ONLY: http://eog.ro/fisiere/?id=10

Originally Posted by Baily
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Here its ENGLISH ONLY: http://eog.ro/fisiere/?id=10
Thanks, but how to FIX errors?

Originally Posted by Kuusa
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Thanks, but how to FIX errors?
Use that pawno:



This is posted in the wrong section; or you can translate it to english and post it here.

mersi man! uh l-ai facut de la zero?

ma intreb daca alea 23 de erori sunt semnificative.

how do i set up the CFG, what do i put in for english version?

remove that damn tutoriallll....................

p.s /skip doesnt work... It is making people /quit my server

Originally Posted by cicioflaviu
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mersi man! uh l-ai facut de la zero?

ma intreb daca alea 23 de erori sunt semnificative.
Nu sunt erori , sunt doar warn-uri

And , for you guys , it is not posted in wrong section it is posted in english and romanian languages ...

guys how i add admin commands!>

how iadd admin commands and login system?!?!?!

Masinile personale nu merg.. adica nu pot sa le cumperi...

why ? removed the link ?

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