Help With Format

Did i reach the max on this format string

Reason I ask Is Everything Shows But pGangLeader I cant figure it out the gangleader is In Text The gang Name Shows But not leader
pawn Код:
format(string,sizeof(string),"~B~Player Info~n~~B~Name: ~w~%s~n~~B~Money: ~w~%d~n~~B~Bank: ~w~%d~n~~B~Skin: ~W~%d~n~~B~Health: ~W~%.1f/100~n~~B~Armour: ~W~%.1f/100~n~~B~Area: ~W~%s~n~~B~Gang: ~w~%s~n~~B~GangLeader: ~w~%s~n~~B~GangRank: ~w~%d~n~~B~House: ~w~%s",Pname,GetPlayerMoney(playerid),PlayerInfo[playerid][pBank],GetPlayerSkin(playerid),Health, Armour,zone,PlayerInfo[playerid][pGangName],PlayerInfo[playerid][pGangLeader],PlayerInfo[playerid][pGangRank],locked);

Uhm, what it shows with that on the pGangLeader?

Originally Posted by Buzzbomb
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Did i reach the max on this format string

Reason I ask Is Everything Shows But pGangLeader I cant figure it out the gangleader is In Text The gang Name Shows But not leader
pawn Код:
format(string,sizeof(string),"~B~Player Info~n~~B~Name: ~w~%s~n~~B~Money: ~w~%d~n~~B~Bank: ~w~%d~n~~B~Skin: ~W~%d~n~~B~Health: ~W~%.1f/100~n~~B~Armour: ~W~%.1f/100~n~~B~Area: ~W~%s~n~~B~Gang: ~w~%s~n~~B~GangLeader: ~w~%s~n~~B~GangRank: ~w~%d~n~~B~House: ~w~%s",Pname,GetPlayerMoney(playerid),PlayerInfo[playerid][pBank],GetPlayerSkin(playerid),Health, Armour,zone,PlayerInfo[playerid][pGangName],PlayerInfo[playerid][pGangLeader],PlayerInfo[playerid][pGangRank],locked);
It must be something wrong with the actual variable

How big is string[]?

I Don't Know i don't get it i figured everything was right... Everything else shows on exit on rejoin and gmx restarts.. just Gangleader and Gangname aint showing.. the gangname shows when u create the gang but leader don't.. I have no clue what i'm doing wrong..

I think cause it aint formated i guess... I'm calling on a player Variable pGangName, And pGangLeader,

But nothing shows but it dont make any sense im calling on other variables.. well it formats numbers.. Fine ...
Maybe I'm not Doing it right you Think?

Wouldn't the gangleader need to be online?
Unless it's saved in a file some where

need more of the code...

Like What PlayerInfo[playerid][pGangLeader],PlayerInfo[playerid][pGangName]
There Format String is at the top

The Userfiles Are saved into a .ini file useraccounts And the Variables are stored Under

enum pInfo
new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo];

i dont understand where it would get the name from unless it searches either players online or through the ini files

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