[GameMode] Insanity DM [Under Construction]

Insanity Cops n' Robbers

Police Department (Small)
Civilians (Small)
Medics (Small)

Admin Commands
/spec - spectate a player.
/specoff - stop spectating.
/explode - explode a player.
/goto - goto a player.
* rbcrp slaps - slap a player into the air. around a bit with a large trout.
/get - get a player.
/kill [playerid] - Kills a player, but is mostly used for punishment.
/spawncar [vehicleid] - Spawns a car for admin use only. (Credited to Calg0n, Vortex Roleplay).
/despawncar [vehicleid] - Despawns an admin spawned vehicle (Credited to Calg0n, Vortex Roleplay).
/setweather - sets the current weather with ids.
/announce - send an announcement.

Player Commands
/taze - officers can taze a player.
/robstore - civilians can rob the ammunation store nearby.
/rob - civilians can rob anyone, (unable to rob timer afterwards, 10 minutes).
/stats - shows the players stats.
/getid - get the of a player using partial/full name.
/police - spot by the police station to join the police group.
/medic - spot by the medic station to join the medic group.
/ragequit(/rq) - Ragequit command for all players, sends a message to all players stating the ragequit.
/pm [playerid] - Send an OOC message to any player online using part of their name or their id.
/leavejob - leave your current job.
/drag - drag another player.
/stopdrag - stop dragging another player.
/stopanim - stop an animation.

Animation Commands
/bar - Bar Anim.
/hide - Hide Anim.
/handsup - Put your hands up.
/rap - Rapping Styles. (No Sound).
/reload - 'Reload' a gun.
/laugh - Laugh with some friends.
/dance - Dance nigga!
/sit - Sit on a chair.
/gsit - sit on the ground.
/ko - Knock yourself out (RP), falls forward.
/wave - Wave loop, say hi to everyone!
/spank - Slap Dat Ass!
/fuckoff - Flip someone off.
/chat - Talk to yourself like an idiot.
/deal - Drug Deal, arms crossed.
/vomit - Throw up.
/bomb - RPly planting a bomb. But you really DONT plant one. Dipshit.
/crack - Seizure? On the Ground? Flipping the fuck out. Lol
/piss - Self Explanitory. You piss all over the place.
/masturbate - Jack off mayne.
/crossarms - Cross your arms.
/robman - Point your weapon continuously.
/pedmove - Endless walk loop. He keeps walking straightforward.

Other System
Weather System ( Random Weather system updated for all players ).

Color Key
(Black)(Uploading.com)Cops n' Robbers V.1 download: http://uploading.com/files/c4a46cee/SERVER.rar/
(Uploading.com)(Red)Cops n' Robbers V.1.1 download: http://uploading.com/files/f4cfd68d/DMSERVER.rar/
(Red)Cops n' Robbers V.1.11 download: http://www.mediafire.com/?3iqpuc6x03k71a3 (Mediafire Mirror)

The point of the early release? i need some new ideas to add to the script. So thats where you guys come in. If you want you want download the script. Look at it. Add stuff. Tell me things that would be good to add. Message me. Use the script yourself. Ect. I am going to continue working on the script and updading this log, therefore, checking up on the script is of your advantage because it will always be in the same place. Thank you for checking out one of my many new scripts and i am hoping to get some new ideas on scripting here soon. Please inbox me one of the following choices below, as i need help deciding what i would like to script.

-Admin System (LuX, XTreme, ext)
-RPG Script
-RP Script
-Filterscript of Any Kind (Suggestions)

Thanks Again. Please give me feedback.

Update v1.1

New Commands
* /ticket - tickets a player with a random amount.
* /payticket - if a player has a ticket, they can pay their ticket and avoid ggoing to jail in the future.
* /rape - When a player gets raped, they can not get raped again until they die. The player will drop down into the featle position until then. About 30 seconds. With a gametext as well.

New Stuff
*Class Selection in place of /police, /medic, ect.
*Removed Medics.

Update v1.11

Added Clock/Time
Added MPH for vehicles.(Speedometer)
Added Location textdraw.


Holy cow-u, too good 11/10 nice man gonna test it now.

Originally Posted by SampLoverNo123
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Holy cow-u, too good 11/10 nice man gonna test it now.
Thank you, please feel free to post suggestions or anything on here. Im still gonna be scripting this for a while.

You should make it cops n robbers instead of DM.

Any pic?

can you upload it to mediafire or solidfiles

Cops and robbers.. Hmm.. interesting. I think that is a wonderful idea.

good job i liked it

Awesome Release!

Thanks Guys. If you dont mind a rep here and there that would be nice. As i am going to keep updating this, as well as hoping to get 5 rep to post Advertisements (: Thank you guys for your entusiasm. I love the SA-MP forums.

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