Gas Station List

Hey there, Anyone knows a list of all gas stations?
Coordinates are not needed

in LV, all gas stations are equipped with those concrete-gas pumps, but i want to see them exploding, ergo:
iam ALSO interested in this, how about working together? to define a standard format, lets simply use Float:x,Float:y,Float:z coordinates for each station, an orientation is not required yet i bet.
may i suggest to add those little gas "shops", like in angel pine (1 or 2 pump only), too? XOOMER is not the monopolist in gta >:D
quickly collected all that i can remember in LV:
2202.7773,2472.4204,  10.8203 LVGasStation
2203.6379,2472.6740,  10.3658 LVGasStationEmeraldIsle
2210.6982,2477.9013,  10.3844 GasStation_EmeraldIsle
2145.3757,2756.9182,  10.3848 GasStation_PricklePine
2117.1340, 909.9761,  10.3778 GasStation_ComeALot
1597.5478,2209.0607,  10.3759 GasStation_Redsands
 628.1839,1674.5334,   6.5640 GasStation_OctaneSprings
-736.5397,2742.1564,  46.7967 GasStation_TierraRobada
-1325.3538,2689.8862,  49.6320 GasStation_ElQuebrados
  64.0212,1219.8227,  18.3795 GasStation_FortCarson_abadonned
...some are more a shop than a station, like the abadonned station in fort carson, or the little "GAS" hut in tierra robada.

The ones i know.
Los Santos: Rodeo, Idlewood, Dillmore.
San Fierro: Flint Country, Angel Pine, the hightway to Angel Pine, Near Wang Cars, and the one near PD.
Las Venturas: The one in-front of Casino, one in the right side of this one, other near the PD, and one other in hightway for the countries.

I think that's all.. Not sure through..

Originally Posted by [LHT]Bally
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Here they are
pawn Code:
// x,y,z in one line

3714.6628 522.0750 10.7310 -1
1004.0070 -939.3102 42.1797 -2
1944.3260 -1772.9254 13.3906 -3
-90.5515 -1169.4578 2.4079 -4
-1609.7958 -2718.2048 48.5391 -5
-2029.4968 156.4366 28.9498 -6
-2408.7590 976.0934 45.4175 -7
-2243.9629 -2560.6477 31.8840 -8
-1676.6323 414.0262 6.9484 -9 and so on :)
2202.2349 2474.3494 10.5258
614.9333 1689.7418 6.6968
-1328.8250 2677.2173 49.7665
70.3882 1218.6783 18.5165
2113.7390 920.1079 10.5255
2640.3997 1115.1472 10.5930
2146.6772 2749.3394 10.5925
1595.8685 2201.7771 10.5911
1388.5361 1496.2334 10.5926
-1464.4287 1863.5211 32.4067
652.9681 -560.4437 16.1085
1383.7537 461.6335 19.8969
1763.8405 -2539.2888 13.3183
-1657.7621 -313.3628 13.9160
-403.9550 441.2943 17.7999
I know you dont want co-ords but surely you can look them up?

thanks all reason that coordinates weren't neccasary is because I made Fuel Station in my dynamic Business system, So I can create buyable fuel stations ingame

thanks for the list guys Really Appreciate it

Wow 24 gas stations? I only found 14. xD Missing 10.

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