How to set spawn points/skins

Where abouts in the files do i change the spawn point, I am using a blank script and it lets you choise what city, E.g LS/LV/SF or something, And i want to make the spawn point Fort carson, And have a different choice of skins.

Go in game, find a position and stand there, then type /save and your coordinates will be saved in a file in your documents.
You can read the full instruction on wikipedia.

After getting the coordenates, under OnPlayeSpawn, SetPlayerPos(playerid, posX, posY, posZ);

Internet Problem, double posted. Delete this post please.

Lol double post? I think your internet made it right?

Originally Posted by Tanush123
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Lol double post? I think your internet made it right?
Yeah... Forums was slow and i clicked 2 times. :P

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