some problem with array

i want to store information about point and it have some error

error 018: initialization data exceeds declared size

i try to fix it long time but i can't
some one help me please!!
sorry for my bad english

pawn Код:
new Float:house_lv[][][] = {
        { 1.0 ,244.6779 ,305.0902 ,999.1484 },//34
        { 2.0 ,268.3117 ,305.1129 ,999.1484 },//49
        { 10.0 ,420.9158 ,2536.3779 ,10.00 },//59
        { 5.0 ,2233.5342 ,-1114.1428 ,1050.8828 },//67
        { 1.0 ,224.288 ,1289.1907 ,1082.1406 },//78
        { 12.0 ,444.0888 ,509.2245 ,1001.4195 },//83
        { 6.0 ,344.3025 ,305.2088 ,999.1557 },//107
        { 1.0 ,2216.1282 ,-1076.3052 ,1050.4844 },//131
        { 2.0 ,2236.6997 ,-1078.9478 ,1049.0234 },//133
        { 11.0 ,2282.9783,-1139.4819 ,1050.8984 } //141
    },{  //lv2
        { 2.0 ,2466.0137 ,-1698.2808 ,1013.5078 },//43
        { 6.0 ,2194.7900 ,-1204.3500 ,1049.0234 },//68
        { 10.0 ,2261.4009 ,-1135.9407 ,1050.6328 },//70
        { 2.0 ,225.5707 ,1240.0643 ,1082.1406 },//77
        { 15.0 ,295.1391 ,1473.3719 ,1080.2578 },//81
        { 2.0 ,446.626 ,1397.738 ,1084.3047 },//92
        { 4.0 ,221.6766 ,1142.4962 ,1082.6094 },//105
        { 5.0 ,22.861 ,1404.9165 ,1084.4297 },//114
        { 5.0 ,318.5645 ,1118.2079 ,1083.8828 },//93
        { 4.0 ,261.1165 ,1287.2197 ,1080.2578 },//95
        { 8.0 ,2365.1089 ,-1133.0795 ,1050.875 },//135
        { 8.0 ,-42.5267 ,1408.23 ,1084.4297 },//140
        { 9.0 ,260.7421 ,1238.2261 ,1084.2578 }//143
    },{   //lv3
        { 3.0 ,2496.0549 ,-1695.1749 ,1014.7422 },//46
        { 9.0 ,2319.1272 ,-1023.9562 ,1050.2109 },//69
        { 3.0 ,234.6087 ,1187.8195 ,1080.2578 },//76
        { 10.0 ,24.3769 ,1341.1829 ,1084.375 },//101
        { 4.0 ,-262.1759 ,1456.6158 ,1084.3672 },//113
        { 5.0 ,140.3679 ,1367.8837 ,1083.8621 },//115
        { 6.0 ,234.2826 ,1065.229 ,1084.2101 },//119
        { 6.0 ,-68.5145 ,1353.8485 ,1080.2109 },//120
        { 15.0 ,-285.2511 ,1471.197 ,1084.375 },//124
        { 8.0 ,2807.3604 ,-1171.7048 ,1025.5703 },//129
        { 12.0 ,2323.7063 ,-1147.6509 ,1050.7101 },//106
        { 9.0 ,84.9244 ,1324.2983 ,1083.8594 }//142
    },{   //lv 4
        { 5.0 ,1267.8407 ,-776.9587 ,1091.9063 },//55
        { 5.0 ,2350.1597 ,-1181.0658 ,1027.9766 },//57
        { 1.0 ,-2158.6731 ,642.09 ,1052.375 },//58
        { 15.0 ,2217.281 ,-1150.5349 ,1025.7969 },//73
        { 5.0 ,239.2819 ,1114.1991 ,1080.9922 }//79

Three dimensional array? Are you serious?
Anyway, show us the code where the error occurs.

in which line the error occurs? this snipped compiled fine for me.
edit: should have refreshed before answering lol

see line " },{ //lv3 " that is error line
pawn Код:
new Float:house_lv[][][] = {
        { 1.0 ,244.6779 ,305.0902 ,999.1484 },//34
        { 2.0 ,268.3117 ,305.1129 ,999.1484 },//49
        { 10.0 ,420.9158 ,2536.3779 ,10.00 },//59
        { 5.0 ,2233.5342 ,-1114.1428 ,1050.8828 },//67
        { 1.0 ,224.288 ,1289.1907 ,1082.1406 },//78
        { 12.0 ,444.0888 ,509.2245 ,1001.4195 },//83
        { 6.0 ,344.3025 ,305.2088 ,999.1557 },//107
        { 1.0 ,2216.1282 ,-1076.3052 ,1050.4844 },//131
        { 2.0 ,2236.6997 ,-1078.9478 ,1049.0234 },//133
        { 11.0 ,2282.9783,-1139.4819 ,1050.8984 } //141
    },{  //lv2
        { 2.0 ,2466.0137 ,-1698.2808 ,1013.5078 },//43
        { 6.0 ,2194.7900 ,-1204.3500 ,1049.0234 },//68
        { 10.0 ,2261.4009 ,-1135.9407 ,1050.6328 },//70
        { 2.0 ,225.5707 ,1240.0643 ,1082.1406 },//77
        { 15.0 ,295.1391 ,1473.3719 ,1080.2578 },//81
        { 2.0 ,446.626 ,1397.738 ,1084.3047 },//92
        { 4.0 ,221.6766 ,1142.4962 ,1082.6094 },//105
        { 5.0 ,22.861 ,1404.9165 ,1084.4297 },//114
        { 5.0 ,318.5645 ,1118.2079 ,1083.8828 },//93
        { 4.0 ,261.1165 ,1287.2197 ,1080.2578 },//95
        { 8.0 ,2365.1089 ,-1133.0795 ,1050.875 },//135
        { 8.0 ,-42.5267 ,1408.23 ,1084.4297 },//140
        { 9.0 ,260.7421 ,1238.2261 ,1084.2578 }//143
    },{   //lv3 <<< this is error line
        { 3.0 ,2496.0549 ,-1695.1749 ,1014.7422 },//46
        { 9.0 ,2319.1272 ,-1023.9562 ,1050.2109 },//69
        { 3.0 ,234.6087 ,1187.8195 ,1080.2578 },//76
        { 10.0 ,24.3769 ,1341.1829 ,1084.375 },//101
        { 4.0 ,-262.1759 ,1456.6158 ,1084.3672 },//113
        { 5.0 ,140.3679 ,1367.8837 ,1083.8621 },//115
        { 6.0 ,234.2826 ,1065.229 ,1084.2101 },//119
        { 6.0 ,-68.5145 ,1353.8485 ,1080.2109 },//120
        { 15.0 ,-285.2511 ,1471.197 ,1084.375 },//124
        { 8.0 ,2807.3604 ,-1171.7048 ,1025.5703 },//129
        { 12.0 ,2323.7063 ,-1147.6509 ,1050.7101 },//106
        { 9.0 ,84.9244 ,1324.2983 ,1083.8594 }//142
    },{   //lv 4
        { 5.0 ,1267.8407 ,-776.9587 ,1091.9063 },//55
        { 5.0 ,2350.1597 ,-1181.0658 ,1027.9766 },//57
        { 1.0 ,-2158.6731 ,642.09 ,1052.375 },//58
        { 15.0 ,2217.281 ,-1150.5349 ,1025.7969 },//73
        { 5.0 ,239.2819 ,1114.1991 ,1080.9922 }//79

no anyone can help me ? T T

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