Mouse not working

As the tittle says, my mouse dosen't work on singleplayer for some reason? I've tried alot of stuff to fix my mouse on single player but I can't. It works on multiplayer just fine and everything but it won't detect my mouse or anything on single player. When I'm on the menu, the mouse moves but I can't press anything and IG I can't aim or look around.
So I can't play single player and I really want to play it. I've seen fixes for Windows 7 but atm. I have Windows XP and if someone could help me, please tell me.


Check your options or reinstall GTA.

Here is SA-MP Forum, you mouse works on Sa-Mp, so post on gta forum for SinglePlayer Issue.

Well I suppose you have Windows7 + an USB mouse.
I have the same issue. As soon as I press ESC, click any menu point (nothing happens) and go back to game I can't move my camera anymore. Press ALT + TAB and then open the game again, this should mostly fix it.
Alternatively you can use a "USB-to-PS2" adapter to put your USB mouse into the PS2 adapter, or use a mouse which has a PS2 plug as default (IMAGE), but I can't guarantee that this will fix the problem (in come cases it does).

Some times it happens to me to but do like this: Go to settings and then mouse settings and it says joypad chose and then change back to mouse..
Works for me!.

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