Police Department Medic


I am searching and searching and searching for any Government faction like Police Department and Medic balbla..

Can someone link any tutorial?

I am using LuxAdmin system and so, i wanna make a CMD on level 5 at LuxAdmin it would be this:

/createfaction name ( That CMD creates a faction )
/createfvehicle vehicle ID / Name ( That CMD creates a vehicle, ONLY members would use the vehicle. )
/finvite name / ID rank faction name ( that CMD invites a player to join the faction. )
/funinvite name / ID faction name ( That CMD uninvites a player from the faction
/fremove name ( That commands removes the faction )

Alright i want this will be added:


/members ( That CMD would show for a member how much and what members is in the faction. )
/finvite name / ID rank ( That CMD would invite a player to the faction and sets the rank. )
/funinvite name / ID ( That CMD would uninvite a player from the faction. )
/setfrank name / ID rank ( That CMD would change the rank of a player. )

Would be awesome if you link or find some.

You want a tutorial on making factions in a game-mode? Or how to join a faction?

For the second option, you need to go to an RP server's website and search there- we can't help you with that here.

Yea, you'll have to explain a bit more.

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