04.02.2012, 15:49
How to create a speedometer
Hello, this is my tutorial to make a simple textdraw speedometer. It measures in MPH. I suggest you read the tutorial and dont just copy paste but read it and retype it yourself since you learn the most from it.
Step 1:
Create all new's for the floats and the textdraw.
pawn Code:
new Text:Speedometer[MAX_PLAYERS] //This will create a textdraw for every player
new Float:svx[MAX_PLAYERS];//This is for getting the speed of the car
new Float:svy[MAX_PLAYERS];//This is for getting the speed of the car
new Float:svz[MAX_PLAYERS];//This is for getting the speed of the car
new Float:s1[MAX_PLAYERS];
new s2[MAX_PLAYERS];
new s3[MAX_PLAYERS];
new stimer[MAX_PLAYERS];
Forward the speedometer timer:
pawn Code:
forward speedometer(playerid);
Creating the textdraw by placing this under onplayerconnect:
pawn Code:
Speedometer[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(10.0, 200.0, " "); //Create a empty textdraw since the textdraw only shows a value when driving in a car
TextDrawFont(Speedometer[playerid], 2);//Set the text font.
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Speedometer[playerid]); //This gotta be in there otherwise speedometer wont show up.
Now lets create the public where we created the forward for.
pawn Code:
public speedometer(playerid)
GetVehicleVelocity(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), svx[playerid], svy[playerid], svz[playerid]); // This Saves Our Velocitys To Our Varibles
s1[playerid] = floatsqroot(((svx[playerid]*svx[playerid])+(svy[playerid]*svy[playerid]))+(svz[playerid]*svz[playerid]))*100; // This Is Our Forumula ( I Don't Know How It Works but i found it on internet )
s2[playerid] = floatround(s1[playerid],floatround_round); // Round the output off to a whole number
format(s3[playerid],32,"%i MPH", s2[playerid]); // The textdraw string
TextDrawSetString(sdisplay[playerid], s3[playerid]); // The actual changing of the textdraw
return 1;
Detect if a player is in a car and if he is show the textdraw
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
{ // This Is The Callback That Is Called When A Person Changes State
KillTimer(stimer[playerid]); // This Stops Our Timer For When You Get Out Of Your Vehicle Your Speed Doesn't Keep Going
TextDrawSetString(Speedometer[playerid], " "); // This Sets Our Textdraw To Blank And Freezes Because We Stop The Timer ^
if(newstate == 2) stimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("speedometer", 255, true, "i", playerid); // This Starts The Timer When The Player Changes His/Her State To Being The Driver
else if(newstate == 3) stimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("speedometer", 250, true, "i", playerid); // This Start The Timer When The Player Changes His/Her Start To Being The Passenger
return 1;
Greetings Thimo