[FilterScript] Advanced Server Control [φ Epic]


* Copyrights
* Music Copyrights
* Overview
* Features
* Commands
* Setting up Settings (Configuration)
* Bugs (1)
* Finaly! Download! I'ma leecher!
* Credits


Please don't edit Credits.

Please don't claim it as your Own.

Please don't re-release it without my Permission

Copyright aGhillieSniper 2012© all the rights reserved

Music Copyrights

Well i want to say something about the Script. The script got some Music stream.
I want to notice that in the Script when the Player turns on the Music, The song name and the Artist(s) being shown.
So no, There's nothing about stealing Copyrights overhere.

Well, this script isn't admin mod or something (for now).
This helps and improves the server control in-game or while scripting.
Before using that script, You need to dedicate few minutes to setup some settings.
Also, an audio stream added so the player can hear specific song (from short list).
The credits doesn't being shown in-game.

Note: It's recommended to modify this line in your gamemode's callback "OnPlayerCommandText"
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    //blah blah blah
    return asc_pm(playerid, unknownC);
IMPORTANT: If you'll get Compile Error after adding this, Try to Define in your gamemode's Top: (Only if you get!)
pawn Code:
#include "../ASC/Main/config.inc"

1. Setting up the script is pretty easy, I knew people won't like the fact that they need to search in the whole script
strings and texts that they can change, So i put all these in external folder, in serval of files to you'll be able to edit those settings to your likes.

2. Admins can load "Alternative Server Settings", That can be easily edited when setting up the settings.
This version you can edit:
* Hostname
* Gamemode Text
* Map name
* Web URL

3. Players can hear 4 songs by typing the command /playaudio, Songlist:
Songid: 0 | Artist / Name: Dirty Money - Homing Home
Songid: 1 | Artist / Name: Adele - Set Fire To The Rain
Songid: 2 | Artist / Name: Jenifer Lopez - On The Floor
Songid: 3 | Artist / Name: Danzig - Mother

I tried to make difference between song to song.

4. Admins can easily execute rcon commands, like changing game mode and doing restart.

5. Send messages from the new short functions:

SendClientMessage(playerid, color, text[]) ===>>> asc_pm(playerid, text[]);

SendClientMessageToAll(color, text[]) ===>>> asc_say(text[]);

// There's a function asc_sayF(text[], mode) <== Don't touch it!
6. Server's prefix changed to "Console".
Means that when using the shortest functions, while look like that:
asc_say("Welcome to the Jungle");
While send a message like this:

Console: Welcome to the Jungle

asc_pm("Hello aGhillieSniper");
While send a PM message like this:

Console[PM]: Welcome to the Jungle

This feature might remind abit Call of Duty 4 Server.

7. Because i didn't want to use an INI proccessor (FileManager isn't only for INI) i used .inc and not .ini

8. When setting up the settings, You can edit the /help and the /rules content.

And much more... (2-3 more features)

========>>>> PLAYER COMMANDS <<<<========

/help - Shows all the commands available. (Edit the content while setting up settings)

/rules - Shows all the rules available. (Edit the rules while setting up settings)

/playaudio [Songid] - Play a specific song, If leaving blank, the song list while be shown

/stopaudio - Stops the current running audio (or does nothing if no song running)

========>>>> ADMIN (RCON) COMMANDS <<<<========

/admintest - Test if you're admin (Another words: Send to all a message that you're admin or Showoff)

/exec - Execute "Alternative Server Configuration" that can be edited while setting up settings

/restart - Notices all players that in a minute a server restart going to be, And a minute later, Kaboom

/setgamemode - Change to another gamemode, But first checks if the gamemode exists.
(^^ Thanks to JaTochNietDan's FileManager.dll^^)
Setting up Settings (Configuration)

This can be read in <Server Folder>/ASC/Readme.txt

1. Go to <Server Folder>/ASC/Scripts and edit all the defines to your likes

2. Go to <Server Folder>/ASC/Configuration and edit server.inc defines to your likes

3. Compile ASC.pwn

Bugs (1)

Songid 3 always going to stop in the middle. Happens for any song (Still trying to figure the solution)
Any other bug you detect, PM me or Post here. Thank you!

Finaly! Download! I'ma leecher!

I need to say that i didn't add pastebin link, (I'll may do it later) as i got alot of .inc files.
A big part of the script based on the .inc files!

MediaFire - Download
SendSpace - Download
MegaUpload - Bad people closed it :*(

For the FileManager.so (If you got Linux) down it here


aGhillieSniper (Also known as Hellhound / InferNus`) - Coding and Srcripting
JaTochNietDan - FileManager.dll

Have a good day people

Nice script dude ^_^

Thank you, Tommorow i'll start to work on 1.1

Starte to work on 1.1


I'm not working on 1.1 anymore.

Verry Nice,

Thanks, Anyways!

keep it up!

Look at new post Thanks!

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