05.01.2012, 04:09
Последний раз редактировалось [Nikk]; 31.01.2012 в 17:23.
Hi Peolple, hi made this simple Base gamemode of Buses. Using sscanf, streamer, an admin system by Zh3r0 here : https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=210277
Well this is the Gamemode of busdriver, a new gamemode created
================================================== ====
Version: 0.2 (Add /kill, /respawn, /Assist commands. Add more commands at /cmds)
Lines: Gamemode 569 lines. (33kb)
================================================== ======
This shit no contains a spedoo meter or fuel system.
No house and bussines system....
What Have really?
An admin system
A Vip system
not more than 10 missions with coach and bus
2 random spawns with 10 coach aprox. spawned
Use textdraws, i have planned in one do random messages, but no yet
Im working in a next version...
Aprox. 10 missions.
You can add missions with this code:
All the maps are doing by me, exept a city maped there, but anything else is my 
You can take some maps of there if you want
I hope you like this.
[Nikk] - Gamemode and Mapping
Zh3r0 - Admin System
Incognito - Streamer
BLAbla96 - Truckingmissions.inc
****** - sscanf
Version 0.1 (Old):
Version 0.2 (New!)
No mirrors .
Not one of this, becouse this gonna to be add in next version:
House and Bussiness system
Fuel and Speedo
More Missions...
/assist command for fix your vehicle for money (ADD IN V0.2)
/Pm system
/Respawn and /kill commands (very easy if you want do it) (ADD IN V0.2)
Give score when you finished a mission. (ADD IN V0.2)
If find any bug please tell me, This gamemode is in devolpment
Well this is the Gamemode of busdriver, a new gamemode created

================================================== ====
Change log Info
Version: 0.2 (Add /kill, /respawn, /Assist commands. Add more commands at /cmds)
Lines: Gamemode 569 lines. (33kb)
================================================== ======
This shit no contains a spedoo meter or fuel system.
No house and bussines system....
What Have really?
An admin system
A Vip system
not more than 10 missions with coach and bus
2 random spawns with 10 coach aprox. spawned
Use textdraws, i have planned in one do random messages, but no yet
Im working in a next version...
Admin____ /Setlevel /Setvip /acmds /vcmds // Vip GM: /Work /Stopwork /Rules, DIALOG /Cmds, DIALOG
You can add missions with this code:
pawn Код:
// {"Mission Text", false, MissionPay, loadx, loady, loadz, unloadx, unloady, unloadz}

You can take some maps of there if you want

I hope you like this.
[Nikk] - Gamemode and Mapping
Zh3r0 - Admin System
Incognito - Streamer
BLAbla96 - Truckingmissions.inc
****** - sscanf
Version 0.1 (Old):
Version 0.2 (New!)
No mirrors .
Post any suggestion what do you have...
Not one of this, becouse this gonna to be add in next version:
House and Bussiness system
Fuel and Speedo
More Missions...
/assist command for fix your vehicle for money (ADD IN V0.2)
/Pm system
/Respawn and /kill commands (very easy if you want do it) (ADD IN V0.2)
Give score when you finished a mission. (ADD IN V0.2)
If find any bug please tell me, This gamemode is in devolpment