30.01.2012, 09:17
Hello guys, im old in SAMP but new here in Forums. I am not a scripter but i wanna know how to script, put scripts into Pawno, and put maps to Pawno, can someone teach me or give me a link that can teach me?
if(strcmp(cmd, "/healme", true) == 0) // /healme is cmd { SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100);// Change playerhealth, Playerid (player) 100 (100 health } SendClientMessage(playerid, "We gave you health."); // Chatmessage(Player) "Message" return 1;
Hello guys, im old in SAMP but new here in Forums. I am not a scripter but i wanna know how to script, put scripts into Pawno, and put maps to Pawno, can someone teach me or give me a link that can teach me?