26.01.2012, 18:11
#define PLAYERS_TEAMS 13 enum arrayTteam { NomeTeam[42], Skin, ArmaID1,AMMO1, ArmaID2,AMMO2, ArmaID3,AMMO3, ArmaID4,AMMO4, ArmaID5,AMMO5, CorName[25], Cor } new arrayTeam[PLAYERS_TEAMS][arrayTteam] = { {"Mendingos", 137, 27, 100, 28, 350, 24, 500, 16, 5, "Amarelo", 0xffff00ff}, // linha 65 {"Japoneses", 123, 30, 175, 24, 500, 8, 1, 32, 350, 18, 5, "Amarelo Claro", 0xffff8dff}, {"Russos", 125, 27, 100, 31, 175, 16, 5, 24, 500, 4, 1, "Verde", 0x00ff00ff}, {"Frangos", 18, 5, 29, 350, 26, 100, 15, 1, 34, 65, "Rosa", 0xff8effff}, // linha 68 {"Comando Vermelho", 108, 31, 175, 32, 350, 25, 100, 4, 1, 16, 5, "Branco", 0xffffffff}, {"Fazendeiros", 162, 33, 65, 32, 350, 30, 175, 6, 1, 16, 1, "Marrom", 0x390000ff}, {"Bombeiros", 279, 27, 100, 24, 500, 18, 5, 42, 70, 31, 175, "Laranja", 0xff6100ff}, {"BadBoys", 29, 26, 100, 30, 175, 24, 500, 15, 1, 18, 5, "Vermelho", 0xff0000ff}, {"Magnatas", 147, 26, 100, 29, 350, 23, 500, 18, 5, 4, 1, "Azul Claro", 0x0078ffff}, {"Polўcia", 285, 25, 100, 31, 175, 29, 350, 23, 500, 16, 5, "Azul Escuro", 0x0000ffff}, {"Exћrcito", 287, 24, 500, 31, 175, 27, 100, 16, 5, 32, 350, "Verde Limљo", 0x00ff00ff}, {"Pilotos", 61, 34, 175, 24, 500, 18, 5, 4, 1, 27, 350, "Roxo", 0xff00ffff}, {"Golfistas", 258, 34, 100, 32, 350, 2, 1, 24, 500, 16, 5, "Vinho", 0x321732ff} };
D:\Brбulio's Corporation ©\SA-MP Server\gamemodes\SF4FUN.pwn(65) : warning 228: length of initialler exceeds size of the enum field D:\Brбulio's Corporation ©\SA-MP Server\gamemodes\SF4FUN.pwn(68) : warning 228: length of initialler exceeds size of the enum field D:\Brбulio's Corporation ©\SA-MP Server\gamemodes\SF4FUN.pwn(68) : error 018: initialization data exceeds declared size