Question about Temp Banning (MySQL)

Alright, I know it involves using timestamp etc, but how exactly does it work? What does it involve and how do I get there? TimeStamp confuses me for dates/hours etc. Can someone explain?

Unix timestamps are in seconds, if you want to ban someone for lets say a day, every time they login detect if the current Unix time stamp using gettime is 60*60*24*2 seconds (172800) seconds away from the one you saved into the database.

pawn Код:
new query[100], pname[24];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24);
format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE usertable SET bantime = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE name = '%s', pname);
Then just load the timestamp and compare it to the current one .

I'm a little confused although that cleared it up a little, On the database do I select the type to be Unix Timestamp? Also, I'm confused about the seconds part, could you explain it, in perhaps an example?

I usually select INT on the database and then setup a value to about 20 cells. That's a bit unnecessary, but it works fine.

So do I use a timer to count down the seconds or? Does it do it automatically? I.e Say, I banned them for a day and after 24 hours... It unbans them?


When you ban them, you'll want to obtain the timestamp using gettime(). Just like that, gettime(), nothing else. Here's some pseudo code again:

pawn Код:
new iTimestamp = gettime();
Then, you'll want to do some calculations. If you want to ban them for 24 hours, then you'll need to add 24 hours to the timestamp. Keep in mind that a second is 1, a minute is 60, an hour is 3600 (try to keep up here), and there are 24 hours in a day (last time I checked), so 3600 * 24 = 86400. More pseudo code:

pawn Код:
iTimestamp = iTimestamp+86400;
Then you'll want to insert that value into a MySQL DB. When a player connects, check to make sure that if you do gettime() again, that the value of gettime() is greater than (>) the value you stored.

I can't make it much clearer than that!

Ahh I see! Thank you, that is very clear! So, Say when I ban them for like 3 days.... How could I tell the player what date they will be unbanned? i.e You have been banned for 3 days, You will be unbanned on the 23/01/12 - Is this possible and how would I go about it?

You'll need this function:

pawn Код:
stock date(timestamp, _form = 0) // originally by pen_TheGun, edited by RealCop228
        ~ convert a Timestamp to a Date.
        ~ 10.07.2009

        date( 1247182451 )  will print >> 09.07.2009-23:34:11
        date( 1247182451, 1) will print >> 09/07/2009, 23:34:11
        date( 1247182451, 2) will print >> July 09, 2009, 23:34:11
        date( 1247182451, 3) will print >> 9 Jul 2009, 23:34
        * by RealCop228: date( 1247182451, 4) will print >> July 09, 2009
        * by RealCop228: date( 1247182451, 5) will print >> 23:34

    new year = 1970, day = 0, month = 0, hour = 0, mins = 00, sec = 0;
    new days_of_month[12] = { 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 };
    new names_of_month[12][10] = {"January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"};
    new returnstring[32];

        timestamp -= 31536000;
        if ( ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0) ) timestamp -= 86400;

    if ( ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0) )
        days_of_month[1] = 29;
        days_of_month[1] = 28;

        timestamp -= 86400, day++;
        if(day==days_of_month[month]) day=0, month++;

        timestamp -= 60, mins++;
        if( mins == 60) mins=00, hour++;


        case 1: format(returnstring, 31, "%02d/%02d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d", day+1, month+1, year, hour, mins, sec);
        case 2: format(returnstring, 31, "%s %02d, %d, %02d:%02d:%02d", names_of_month[month],day+1,year, hour, mins, sec);
        case 3: format(returnstring, 31, "%d %c%c%c %d, %02d:%02d", day+1,names_of_month[month][0],names_of_month[month][1],names_of_month[month][2], year,hour,mins);
        case 4: format(returnstring, 31, "%s %02d, %d", names_of_month[month],day+1,year); // by RealCop228
        case 5: format(returnstring, 31, "%02d:%02d", hour,mins); // by RealCop228
        default: format(returnstring, 31, "%02d.%02d.%d-%02d:%02d:%02d", day+1, month+1, year, hour, mins, sec);
    return returnstring;
For your use, you could probably do:

pawn Код:
date(iTimestamp, 2);
That's going to return a string, so probably use that in a format or something.

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