
Now I want to ask this question.... I want to add a M4 to the front of the maverick. I know how to add it. The problem is... it is in a shooting form. Can it be in normal form. Not in shooting form?

Oh wow, that atleast sounds amazing.

I think you can only have the object on it... Dunno, maybe it could shoot itself aswell, if it has a bot shooting or something. Tho it means auto-aim serversided by the bot LOL

No, I mean when I add the M4 Object, it is ok. But you can see the fire coming out of the gun. (The Fire when you shoot!). Can that be removed?

Huh, really?
Oh its an animationobject? As far as I know, the m4 object is just the gun without shooting..

Is your M4 Modded? It isn't supposed to happen with normal one...

Its not modded. Its like in a firing animation. I don't know why. Could it be the editor program? Maybe when its on the real game there is no firing animation?

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