19.01.2012, 11:01
So this is the errors: -->
This lines -->
Please help me out to fix.. First time with IRC....
error 017: undefined symbol "IRC_SetIntData" error 025: function heading differs from prototype error 025: function heading differs from prototype warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "IRC_OnConnectAttempt") warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration
gBotID[0] = IRC_Connect(IRC_SERVER, IRC_PORT, BOT_1_NICKNAME, BOT_1_REALNAME, BOT_1_USERNAME); IRC_SetIntData(gBotID[0], E_IRC_CONNECT_DELAY, 20);// this line gGroupID = IRC_CreateGroup();
public IRC_OnConnect(botid, ip[], port) //this line { printf("*** IRC_OnConnect: Bot ID %d connected to %s:%d", botid, ip, port); IRC_JoinChannel(botid, IRC_CHANNEL); IRC_AddToGroup(gGroupID, botid); return 1; }
public IRC_OnDisconnect(botid, ip[], port, reason[])//this line { printf("*** IRC_OnDisconnect: Bot ID %d disconnected from %s:%d (%s)", botid, ip, port, reason); IRC_RemoveFromGroup(gGroupID, botid); return 1; }
public IRC_OnConnectAttempt(botid, ip[], port)//this line { printf("*** IRC_OnConnectAttempt: Bot ID %d attempting to connect to %s:%d...", botid, ip, port); return 1; } public IRC_OnConnectAttemptFail(botid, ip[], port, reason[])//this line { printf("*** IRC_OnConnectAttemptFail: Bot ID %d failed to connect to %s:%d (%s)", botid, ip, port, reason); return 1; }