applyanimation crashing the game?

Hi ,
i'm trying to make a command which i can test out each animations in-game.

(i'm using SSCANF and ZCMD)

CMD:tryanim( playerid,params[])
   	if ( sscanf( params, "sssi", params[ 0 ], params[ 1 ], params[ 2 ], params[ 3 ] ) )
	    return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE , "Usage:{FFFFFF} /tryanim <library> <name> <speed 1.0-10.0> <loop 0/1>");

    ApplyAnimation(playerid, params[ 0 ], params[ 1 ], params[ 2 ], params[ 3 ], 0, 0, 0, 0); // Sit
    return 1;
But when i click enter for the command , for example , /tryanim BD_FIRE BE_Fire1 4.0 1 , my game just crashes.

I hope someone can help me point out my mistake.


You're using sscanf wrong.

how to correct it?

pawn Код:
new lib[30], name[30], //these would be the max sizes
    Float:speed, loop;
if (sscanf(params, "s[30]s[30]fi", lib, name, speed, loop)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "Usage:{FFFFFF} /tryanim <library> <name> <speed 1.0-10.0> <loop 0/1>");
if(loop > 1 || loop < 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Loop must be either 0 or 1");
if(speed < 1.0 || speed > 10.0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Speed can be no less than 1.0 and no greater than 10.0");
//some checks for lib/name..
ApplyAnimation(playerid, lib, name, speed, loop, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Sit

Thanks Antonio

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