17.01.2012, 09:35
Last edited by Lorenc_; 18/01/2012 at 01:59 AM.
To be said the 2nd or maybe even 1st most accurate gang zone creator.
Why did you create this?To be said the 2nd or maybe even 1st most accurate gang zone creator.
Hi all, presenting you my new release as of now the first release I've created in 2012

I've been bored, was watching suggestions that were submitted to my servers development crew and one was a gang system with gang turfs. Now I've created all this and I'm planning to update the server soon though I've been missing on making gangzones everywhere for the capturing of turfs.
I've tried Xtreme Vehicle Plotter and iPLEOMAX's gangzone editor and they weren't as accurate as I thought, so with the features created by Kalcor inspired me to create such a thing.
Indeed fairly basic but useful at the same time!!
- Support for multiple gang zones at the same time.
- Close-to-none commands, user friendly interface.
- You can use your map to view the gang zone created.
- To re-size the gang zones, you use your large map at the main menu.
- Most of all the interface is done with dialogs.
- You can create a new project, delete it, and export it to a file.
- You can modify each gangzones: MAX_X, MAX_Y, MIN_X, MIN_Y, COLOR, in-game!
- Exports as "projectname.ini" including the line that you need to create the gangzone!
- Fairly efficient and fast!
- Does not save on it's own, so you must EXPORT the project after you've finished.
- Nothing else that I know of.
Besides that logo "Awesome Stuntages Reborn", I'm not affliated with that, just a random gamemode I needed to test on.
Click Here to view the slideshow of these images.
[01/17/2012] Released. [01/18/2012] Critical Bug fixed, make sure you use update now!!
- Lorenc_ (WHOLE SCRIPT)
- ZeeX (ZCMD)
- Zamaroht (COLORS/SOUNDS)

Compile as a filterscript name in the filterscript folder and load... Should work fine.
There might be a problem, so if there is, please inform me of such a thing. I've spent roughly about 45-60 minutes creating this, most of it rushing lol.