Tuning cars (Rep+)

How i can make one tuning car and when i restart the яеиэеи tuning parts to be the same ( how to save tunning parts on car and when i restart the server the car to be spawn with the tuninng)

I would recommend you use this.
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something more easy but how will be stant with addvehiclepart

use this:
pawn Код:
// on top of script under #include and #defines:
new car1;
pawn Код:
// under Ongamemodeinit/onfilterscriptinit:
car1 = //yourvehicle
//so for example
car1 = AddStaticVehicle(560,2288.69995117,1388.90002441,42.59999847,0.00000000,-1,-1); //Sultan
pawn Код:
// under ongamemodeinit/onfilterscriptinit too, under your tuned car i just showed:
AddVehicleComponent(car1, 1010); // this is it: AddVehicleComponent(vehicleid, componentid);   1010 is 10x NOS
and if u want it to have it tuned after restart then just put the AddVehicleComponent under OnVehicleSpawn too and u got it.
and for a list of all the components this is a link: https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Car_Component_ID

i hope i helped you out

greets niels

And thanks to niels you havent learned shit... Great job niels!

lol thnx thimo

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