Can i use ZCMD and Strcmp together?

Topic says all "Can i use ZCMD and Strcmp together in one Script?"

Of course you can.

Please tell me how can i , i am new to Scripting where do i place the STRCMP Code?

Place it under the OnPlayerCommandText callback to check what command the player has entered.

Originally Posted by Jaxson
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Of course you can.
Originally Posted by Jaxson
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Place it under the OnPlayerCommandText callback to check what command the player has entered.
No, you can't. If you are using ZCMD all the strcmp commands will be SERVER: Unknown command.
However, ZCMD never should be inside any callback like OnPlayerCommandText.
The only way ZCMD + strcmp is together on this.
pawn Код:
CMD:test(playerid, params[ ] )
    if(isnull(params)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Usage: /test <first / second>");
    if(strcmp(params, "first", true) == 0)
        // First test
    else if(strcmp(params, "second", true) == 0)
        // Second Test
    return 1;

Thanks Dwane

Originally Posted by ******
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Yes you can. "OnPlayerCommandText" is never called, but there are two new callbacks - "OnPlayerCommandReceived" and "OnPlayerCommandPerformed" added. If you put your strcmp commands in the former they should work - not that it's at all recommended.
Godfather you Rocks thanks Alot...

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