fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "Any downloaded include"

hello i want download include and i want use it error show to me fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "Any include"
for example i want donwload admin system when i download it i want edit something or what ever and it #include <foreach> i download it and add it to pawno>include then still the same tell me fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "foreach"
can anyone help me please

Hmm, I didn't see that before to be honest, but something will be wrong.
Check if there is the file on your_server\pawno\include\foreach.inc
That all your includes must be .inc, nothing else. Make sure you run the correct pawno.exe and not from other package. (I think impossible for this)

I check every thing and i use old Pawno when i use the new its work thanks +rep

and is there are different between the new and old ?

The Pawn compiler always looks for includes files in directories relative to the directory the compiler itself resides in.

if you put the includes where you have your script you can do:
#include "MyInclude.inc" (paths can also be supplied here, they are relative to the script path)

else if it's located in the pawno/include folde you do:
#include <MyInclude>

Hope this helps.

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