[FilterScript] [FS] Real Time and Date

Hello, this is my first filterscript. It is time and date according to computer, where just now that filterscript runs.

Here is script: http://pastebin.com/f16c1e961
Here is FilterScript: http://www.sendspace.com/file/r10wh0 (.pwn)



INFO: After connect you must wait ONE MINUTE. After one minute you will see real time and date..

Source: http://pastebin.ca/944188
FilterScript: http://www.sendspace.com/file/jzzs3y (.pwn)


very useful, congrats.


Originally Posted by [LSB
X_Cutter ]
Very Well-Stated.^^
i will use this in my server fersure

For some reason it only says the date when i added it to my script..

thank you for it this very good :P

Just looked the source...

Just a question: do you have tested it with more than one player? You say 'put time() under OnPlayerSpawn' .. lol.

Also, why not simply SetWorldTime(hour); ? And you can do %02d instead of checking if hour < 10, same for month etc..

Last thing: what about players who aren't in the same timezone of the server location ? You should do a /gmt command or something. And what about players who may want to set it to 12h format, and month.day instead of day.month ?

very nice

Originally Posted by yom
Just looked the source...

Just a question: do you have tested it with more than one player? You say 'put time() under OnPlayerSpawn' .. lol.

Also, why not simply SetWorldTime(hour); ? And you can do %02d instead of checking if hour < 10, same for month etc..

Last thing: what about players who aren't in the same timezone of the server location ? You should do a /gmt command or something. And what about players who may want to set it to 12h format, and month.day instead of day.month ?
Yes, I have tested with more player than one.

This Date and Time was did for czech rp and there you must have same gmt..

Date is in this format: 15>day , 08>month and 2007>year. It's not month.day.year.

And 12h format: It can't be, because isn't place for am and pm.

Originally Posted by Carlos_Costello
For some reason it only says the date when i added it to my script..
It sometimes does and I don't know why. I was trying anything but didn't go it. It sometimes will reveal after short time and in 2.0.2 me already it shows without problem

delete pls this post, bad key

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