27.12.2011, 05:08
Hi I have a command that starts a round in a random interior and i type -1 for random. so example /startround -1 and it will select a new map's id.
Well I want the game mode to start a random map's id when I type /startround -1. But instead it isnt working. This is what i did:
Those are the ids of the maps that are interiors
When I type the command the bases that start are also exteriors.
Well I want the game mode to start a random map's id when I type /startround -1. But instead it isnt working. This is what i did:
pawn Код:
new const Float:InteriorsB[10][] = {
pawn Код:
if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) && Variables[playerid][Level] < aLvl[0]){return DenyPlayer(playerid);}
if(Current != -1)return SendClientMessage(playerid,MainColors[2],"Please wait until the current round ends before starting another one.");
if(CurrentPlayers[T_HOME] < 1 && CurrentPlayers[T_AWAY] < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,MainColors[2],"Not enough players.");
if(WatchingBase == true) return SendClientMessage(playerid, MainColors[2], "Please wait until the current round ends before starting another one.");
if(!strlen(params)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, MainColors[1], "Usage: /startbase [baseid]");
if(CurrentPlayers[T_HOME] < 1 || CurrentPlayers[T_AWAY] < 1)return SendClientMessage(playerid, MainColors[2], "Not enough players.");
if(strval(params) == -1)
new randint = random(sizeof(InteriorsB));
if(!BaseExists[randint])return SendClientMessage(playerid, MainColors[2], "incorrect interior.");
new string[128];
format(string,sizeof(string),"*** The random %d map has now started!",randint);
return 1;
return 1;