Help! Please!

Please help me!
How can I modificate the way that the gate moves in! i want to make it moves to the floor or something!


Right so MoveObject works like this
pawn Код:
MoveObject(objectid, X, Y, Z, speed, Float:RotX, Float:RotY, Float:RotZ);
So whatever your Z is, just minus 10 from it.

pawn Код:
MoveObject(myobject, 120, 124, 15, 5.0, 0, 0, 180);
would become
pawn Код:
MoveObject(myobject, 120, 124, 5, 5.0, 0, 0, 180);
It basically depends how far above ground your object is, but if it is at ground level, -10 should do it.

EDIT: If you want to make it move straight down, DON'T CHANGE YOUR Y OR X!

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