0.3d help

Hi, I need help, I have finished the game mode, and all done on the server I want to turn it 0.3c to 0.3d switch, so I am interested can i make my server 0.3d or that need to do my Hosting commpany.
And if I can that all files need to put in the GamePanel that the server is running on the 0.3d client ...

I need help urgently, and I'll be grateful if you help

Sorry if i made mistake in english,i used ****** Translator

Do you have root access to the server? I.e. do you have access to the folder where SA-MP is installed in (defaulty named samp03)

if you are hostin, then your hoster must switch it to 0.3d

Originally Posted by MustangV10
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Do you have root access to the server? I.e. do you have access to the folder where SA-MP is installed in (defaulty named samp03)
Yes,i have accses on that file...

Why do you ask ? can somebody answer ?

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