Need help guys (rep+)

Im having this error I dont know why?!
pawn Код:
D:\Users\Ken\Desktop\server 0.3d - Copy (2)\gamemodes\tfrpngrp2.pwn(16908) : error 017: undefined symbol "distance"
D:\Users\Ken\Desktop\server 0.3d - Copy (2)\gamemodes\tfrpngrp2.pwn(16908) : warning 215: expression has no effect
D:\Users\Ken\Desktop\server 0.3d - Copy (2)\gamemodes\tfrpngrp2.pwn(16908) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"
D:\Users\Ken\Desktop\server 0.3d - Copy (2)\gamemodes\tfrpngrp2.pwn(16908) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
D:\Users\Ken\Desktop\server 0.3d - Copy (2)\gamemodes\tfrpngrp2.pwn(16908) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
And this is the 16908 code...
pawn Код:
HouseInfo[iIndex][hTextID] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(szFileStr, COLOR_GREEN, HouseInfo [iIndex][hExteriorX], HouseInfo[iIndex][hExteriorY], HouseInfo[iIndex][hExteriorZ]+0.5,30.0, .testlos = 1, .distance = 30.0);
Thank you in advance! Happy holidays!

pawn Код:
HouseInfo[iIndex][hTextID] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(szFileStr, COLOR_GREEN, HouseInfo [iIndex][hExteriorX], HouseInfo[iIndex][hExteriorY], HouseInfo[iIndex][hExteriorZ]+0.5,30.0, 1, 30.0);
Weren't you supposed to write only the values?

I'm sorry i dunno what u talkn bout im a amateur scripter

Just try the code I posted.

Yep I copy and paste it. but now having 26 errors. but I don't have any errors at line 16908.. ermmmm anyways! thanks! rep+

EDIT: Aww me missed out on rep Too slow.

tis easy to fix replace distance with streamdistance rep me bro

You got Teamviewer, as others stated above. It's pretty easy to fix.

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