rcon 0 but still able to login?

So i've been doing some testing and for absolutely no reason would I need rcon, i've decided to disable it, so I typed rcon 0 into server.cfg and restarted the server, but I am still able to login... ideas?

Are you still able to use rcon commands? You may be able to login, but the commands itself may not do anything.

If it still works then you can also use to disable RCON scriptwise by making people get kicked on trying to login to RCON.

The "rcon 0" disables External logging in to rcon. You can disable INTERNAL rcon login in the script.

Some reason rcon 0 will disable only rcon.exe connections. In Game login you can't disable because it client side command. Only solution may be random password.

Originally Posted by BrandyPenguin
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In Game login you can't disable because it client side command.
How is it client side when it's interacting with data server-side?

You can disable it in-game, too:

pawn Код:
public OnRconLoginAttempt(ip[], password[], success)
     new szPIP[16];
     for(new i; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++)
          GetPlayerIp(i, szPIP, 16);
          if(!strcmp(ip, szPIP))
               SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "We don't allow RCON use.");

funky, i tried disabling command on script. It won't called then i type command at all... So disable command is not possible right now. Kicking people for that is useless.

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