Banlist file question

Banlist file question

Hi. I have a very simple question, about the ban list file (samp.ban).

A few months ago, I had a SA-MP server on Linux operating system. Then I stopped it, I opened the ban list, and copied it to my hard disk. Normally, when I open the ban list for editing, the lines doesn't separated with the enter character. In the list, what is on my disk, all the lines separated with ENTER character.

Nowadays, I started my server (on Linux), and I'd like to use my old ban list. Is it a problem, if the lines separated with ENTER-char, or what can I do?



It should be separated with the "enter character".

Should be like
ip - date - name - in game ban
ip - date - name - in game ban
ip - date - name - in game ban
ip - date - name - in game ban

Okey, thanks for your reply.


You could open the file in wordpad or notepad++, it should restore like it was before.

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