SetPlayerWorldBounds HELP!! Please

Hello Everyone,

I want to add WorldBounds to my GM. The First Map will be in LS. I tried to understand this code from wiki but i got shit. This is what wiki says[Below]:


playerid	The ID of the player to set the boundaries of.
Float:x_max	The maximum X coordinate the player can go to.
Float:x_min	The minimum X coordinate the player can go to.
Float:y_max	The maximum Y coordinate the player can go to.
Float:y_min	The minimum Y coordinate the player can go to.

Returns	This function doesn't return a specific value
X_max and x_Min How to know this?? Actual Coordinates are X,Y,Z Always for everything. How can i know X_max n X_min value's of a Position??

Please someone help me

Thanks for reading
Ballu Miaa

You would be better off using gang zones, this function is known to cause issues.

Look at it like a square.
Instead of marking down 4 points, you only need to mark down 2, begging and end.

is should look something like this for X


_____________x Max
x Min______________|

Hope i helped

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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You would be better off using gang zones, this function is known to cause issues.
true. but he would still need to know how to find the minx and miny stuff ;p

Anyways here you go i use this APPLICATION to get the code.

SA-MP tool

Originally Posted by THE_KNOWN
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true. but he would still need to know how to find the minx and miny stuff ;p
Unless he used the gang zone creator FS that's around here somewhere...

Originally Posted by THE_KNOWN
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Anyways here you go i use this APPLICATION to get the code.

SA-MP tool
Okay, but THAT RIGHT THERE is one USEFUL tool!

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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Okay, but THAT RIGHT THERE is one USEFUL tool!
agreed! i couldnt find it on the forums anymore so i had to upload it for him :/

RealCop228 is right, he might as well use gangzone creator tool, in order to get a clear view of where his boundaries are and to get coordinates for them.

Thanks for the help everyone!! I still dont know how to find Max and Mim Coordinates lol.
But with this SAMP Took THE_KNOWN Has given ,Im able to set it properly. I never knew that this Veh Plotter also has these features as well! Awesome tool. I need help over at my one more thread. Will be awesome if you will help me with that as well.

Much Love

Originally Posted by THE_KNOWN
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true. but he would still need to know how to find the minx and miny stuff ;p

Anyways here you go i use this APPLICATION to get the code.

SA-MP tool
Do anyone still have this tool?

Can anyone reupload the tool please? Link is broken and I need it too.

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