How to downgrade to 0.3c

Ok guys so the first thing we need to do to downgrade is to get the 0.3cR5 .exe's i got them right here so after you download them extract them to your desktop then go to your samp server folder cut and paste the exe's there and hit yes to all. Then if you have not compiled your script with 0.3d includes you are fine but if you compiled it then you need to get the 0.3c includes then compile it with 0.3c includes and youre ready to go

Why would you want to downgrade to 0.3c?

Originally Posted by MP2
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Why would you want to downgrade to 0.3c?
In my opinion the 0.3d is still not bug free at all. I am sure there are many ppl out there with the same opinion as mine.

Originally Posted by BlackRolePlay
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In my opinion the 0.3d is still not bug free at all. I am sure there are many ppl out there with the same opinion as mine.
Crazy people .... if sa:mp team published 0.3d it means that it is a stable version.

Lmao, I'm sure Kalcor won't release a version full of so called "bugs".

Have a nice day.

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